
In Kind donation? Am I being treated fairly?

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Back in May I offered my design services to a Non-Profit. We agreeded that they would provide recognition and a tax letter for $500. I completed the work and they are now saying that they will not recognize me in the annual giving acknowledgements. They have provided a letter stating that I "volunteered". I do work in the design field and opperate under a DBA so I normally get paid for my services. Am I being treated unfairly?




  1. Yeah.  I think you're being treated unfairly

  2. woops, i mean no. bahaha.

  3. NO. i think you're not getting treated fairly. I mean yeah you volunteered but everyone should still get recognized for there hard work.

  4. no, you are not. what will it cost them to give you the recognition you deserve.

    lesson learned, do not volunteer to them and pass the work around your professional groups.

  5. It was unfair of them to break their word.  It would have been easy to satisfy your request.  Don't give up on the world of charity.  We need people like you.  .

  6. I had the same experience with a community college in Calif.  It did not change their position, but I did write the Board a letter of complaint.  There was no response, but perhaps it gave them an example of how not to get repeat donations from professionals or businesses.

    Not recognizing the full value of an in kind donation denigrates your contribution, & was a silly slight.  I am sorry you had this experience.

  7. If the work was done properly and satisfactorly and was used and the programs are not already printed Ican not see why they would not want to acknowlege.   It is to their benefit since other professionals would be more inclined to donate services if they see some being recognized.  Have you talked with the Exec Director or the head of the organization just an intermediary.  If the later I would go up line.

  8. It is such a simple thing to give recognition where it is earned, and a good non-profit knows that recognition is one of the few ways ion which to retain good donors.  

    It is important to realize that non-profits can have a lot of donors to deal with and may have a set structure for recognition. In many cases the level of recognition depends upon the level of the donation. For example: if you give a cash or in kind donation int eh amount of $100 or more, they list your name as a donor on an event brochure, for $500 it goes on the donor board at events, fro $1000 or more your name is listed in radio advertisements, so on. If this is indeed the case, it should have been made clear at the outset if you expressly discussed recognition.

    If they agreed to do something specific such as listing you in their annual giving acknowledgements and are going back on their word intentionally,  then no, it's not fair at all.   If this is indeed the case, I would break of my association with them. If it was just a communication failure somewhere and the type of recognition was not specified, I would have an honest talk with them and be clear on any recognition for future donations.

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