
In Kingdom Hearts?!!!?

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Ok I've just started playing a few days ago and so Far I Locked Wonderland, Deep Jungle, And Traverse Town! I've already did all I could do in Olympus Coliseum.......(I got The lil Phil Cup). And I Found 7 Postcards What Do I Do Now HOw Do I get To A New World?




  1. Land in the First District to begin the next adventure right here in Traverse Town! There isn't anything new in the Item Shop yet, but purchase some Potions or Ethers if you are running low. Remember to sell any extra Arts items for quick cash. There isn't anything new in the Accessory Shop either, but buy some if you think you need to.

    To the left of the Accessory Shop in the alley that you started in at the

    beginning of the game is a Red Trinity Mark. Use this to enter a closed off section of the Alleyway. The chest here contains DALMATIANS 4, 5, and 6. Return back to the First District.

    Enter the Second District and fight the Heartless here. Once they are cleared out, head towards the Dalmatians' House and enter. If you've been collecting all the puppies so far, you should have 27 by now, which is enough to get you a FIRAGA-G. Head through the rest of the Dalmatians' House to reach the Alleyway.

    Make waste of all of the enemies in the Alleyway, and then head over to the grate that the water is pouring through. You will notice that there is a Red Trinity Mark right by the gate. Use it to open up the door to the Secret Waterway. Swimming forward, you'll find Aerith and Leon. Keep talking to Leon until he suggests you see Cid. He will also hand over the EARTHSHINE GEM. We will use this in a second. Things will be easier if we return to Cid first. Before you go, check the stairs behind Leon and Aerith. There is a chest at the base containing DALMATIANS 10, 11, and 12. Exit the way you came in.

    Back in the Alleyway, enter the Dalmatians' House to get another prize. This time it's a THUNDARA-G. Sweet. Exit back to the Second District and head back to the Accessory Shop. Cid will install your Navigation Gummi in exchange for a favor. He wants you to deliver an OLD BOOK to Merlin. You will suddenly hear the bell at the Gizmo Shop ring. Strange. First things first though. We have to deliver the book and complete Merlin's favor. Head back to Merlin's Study either by the Third District, or riding the platform at the top of the stairs in the Secret Waterway. If you opt to take the path through the Third District, you will encounter a new enemy.

    Once you are in the Magician's Study, talk to Merlin. After the conversation, give the Fairy Godmother your Earthshine to gain the power to summon SIMBA. You can test out the summon by having Merlin bring you up to the training area. You may be curious about that book in the corner... well, we'll leave it alone for now. There isn't much you can do with it for now.

    Head back to the Third District to find a familiar face. Once you are done chit-chatting, head up the stairs near the entrance to the Second District and enter the lit up house here. Inside the Small House, talk to Cid. After talking about stuff, he hands over a WARP-G, a very helpful Gummi indeed. You won't have to manually fly to worlds that you've been to before.

    After the chat, head back to the Second District and enter the Gizmo Shop. After fighting off the enemies, exit through the other door and climb the ladder to the roof. Defeat the enemies here, and then use the Red Trinity Mark on the wall. Pull the rope inside three times to reveal the keyhole to Traverse Town. Sweet! Unfortunately, when you jump down, a familiar nemesis appears. It's Guard Armor again! Level 21 is a fair level to be at for this fight. Remember to equip as many abilities as possible, and to fill up everyone's item slots. Also, equip Cure on a shortcut button of your choice.

    The battle starts out simple enough, but when you cause some damage, Guard Armor will suddenly transform into a different boss. Opposite Armor! After the fight, you will learn the AERO spell. Excellent. After sealing the keyhole, you will get another NAVI-G PIECE. Excellent again.

  2. you need to lock alice in wonderland and then you can probably beat Cerberus at the Colliseum
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