
In Louisiana there is a limit of shells you can have.?

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For shotgun shells you are limited to 3 in Louisiana is it different in other state because i was watching a video of someone shooting a 870 and they were shooting 4 i know you can take the plug out but is it legal?




  1. yes it is legal.  You only need the plug when you are hunting certain birds.

    Shotguns tend to come with the plug built in.  To take the plug out, disassemble your shotgun and lightly shake until the metal dowel comes out.  If you wish to go hunt upland game birds and such, simply put the dowel back in.

  2. Federal law limits a hunter to three shells in the firearm when hunting Migratory Birds.  Beyond that it's up to the states to set/impose limits on firearm capacity for other game.  Indiana, for instance, has no limits on magazine capacity besides the Migratory Game Bird (Federal) law.

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