
In Magic the Gathering what cards will make my angels stronger?

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I'm working on a mainly white, angel deck. What cards would help make it better?




  1. Some main Angels you should try using would be:

    -Angel of Mercy

    -Blinding Angel

    -Reya Dawnbringer

    -Serra Angel

    -Warrior Angel

    Since you're running pure white, I would say throw some Crusades and Glorious Anthems in there to beef up your white creatures and the creatures you control respectively.  It's really up to you from there since I don't really have a whole lot of experience with running with mono-White decks.  You might want some small creatures to act as blocking fodder until you can get the mana needed to start throwing out your Angels.  Good luck to you.

  2. Try Karmic Guide - it allows you to put Angels from your graveyard back into play, as does Reya, Dawnbringer.

    You will need some ways to control the board - Wrath of God, Akroma's Vengeance, Austere Command, Kirtar's Wrath, Sunscour.

  3. this webby that i always use, helps in my deck building process

    i help u to filter out non white and search using key word 'angel'

    hope it helps :)

    PS: i am working on a ninja deck now :)

  4. Love the theme of your deck. I've always loved angels, and I have a tribal angel deck and a Elder Dragon Highlander deck focused around Akroma, Angel of Wrath.

    If your deck is entirely focused on Angels, you can run cards like Shared Animosity (though I don't know where the red splash will come from. Certainly, one can splash into red for Akroma, Angel of Fury.) Coat of Arms also works great, and even though it costs a massive five, you don't actually need more than two or three creatures for your angels to become massive. Combine that with the lifelink ability that many of the angels already have, and you have a serious deck.

    You would also want to consider running a few non-angel cards such as Martyr of Sands. Because the Angel deck would be completely white, playing the martyr, swinging with it, then sacrificing it to gain 21 life will usually be sufficent to allow you to stall out the faster decks until you can get a big angel onto the table. Faster decks usually have a weak lategame, because they run out of steam. Against any deck, if you manage to resolve Akroma, it's basically game there.

    Adding to the angel crusade, there are angels who can morph up for cheap. Exalted Angel can be played as early as turn four. Add the powerful beatsticks and the early lifegain you would have, and you have yourself a pretty decent deck.

    Hope That Helped!

  5. o-Rings are useful as necksnap, Hallow is good when you are the target of a spell (such as fireball, etc.) and solar lance is a good way to knock out non white creatures.  If things get too hectic or you want it not to become a slaughter due to the fact angels are expensive wrath of god does wonders.  Also try to get Urza Lands, this will help out with serious mana issuses.  I will listing my "New Found Prayer" deck (Black, White, and Red Angel Deck) on the NLRMTG yahoo groups later this week, as well as my other decks if you need/want some advice or want to look into the formula just drop by.

    I hope this helped a little

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