
In Martial Arts.... What does "parry" mean?

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In Martial Arts.... What does "parry" mean?




  1. Parry is when they try to hit you and you MAKE so they miss. Kind of like a dodge and block mixed.

  2. It means to move their attack in a different direction so they are then unbalanced and you are free to attack them e.g is someone tried to punch me i would push their attacking arm in another direction from me

  3. to set aside, deflect, an incoming attack etc. but not stopping its motion, think of it like bunting in baseball- ball comes in, you hold out bat and it goes in a different direction but you don't stop its force. (ok- i could have thought of a better example than that).

    more specifics as to what a parry is in a specific art, is well different for specific arts.

  4. To block or divert.

  5. The same as it means in fencing or anything else.

    To deflect an attack.

    You have blocking: Which means literally to block an attack, to abrubtly stop or change the movement and momentum of attack. (Example: forearm based blocks as seen in karate kid, with wax on/wax off, or paint the fence...)

    You have evading: Which means simply as it sounds, to evade an attack, to make no attempt at stopping the attack or it's momentum, only to get out of the attacks way per say. Example: Tai Sabaki or stepping out of the way of a punch ala Mr. Miyagi vs. John Creese when Creese smashed the windows of the car... remember that... that was classic...)

    Then you have parrying: Or deflecting, closely related to blocking, but it is meant to redirect the moment and movement of an attack essentially allowing it to continue in it's general direction, and maintaining it's momentum, but off center from it's intended target:

    (Example: In Karate Kid II, the windmill punch thing used to defeat Sato's nephew.. Daniel San parried Sato's punch, and then counter attacked with a punch in one quick movement, thus proving he understood the true concept of Miyagi Karate)

    Hope that helps!

  6. When you execute a "block", if you notice, the technique has two parts.

    One hand/arm comes forward then the blocking arm crosses with the initial hand to finish the movement.

    The first movement is called the parry.

    The parry redirects the attack so that the second part of the technique can control the attack.

    After that, the attacker is in deep S**t

  7. to get out of the way of.... or blcok.... like this

    (@^_^)@ <(-.-<)

    (@^_^)=@    (>O_O)>

    and a counter would be


  8. it simply means that if your in your fight position and move your back leg ninety degrees or more  then your body would have moved  out of the way of a strike with out moving left,  right or even back but you've avoided the strike and remained at the same distance you started and their at the side of you wide open for anything and that's what it means and why you'd use it

  9. It simply means deflecting an attack so it goes past you, rather then stopping it.

  10. A parry is a way of diverting an attack without stopping it, but by changing its direction. Hold you arm straight out in front of you with your forearm at a 90 degree angle pointing at the ceiling. Now move your forearm counter-clockwise 180 degrees so that it is now pointing at the floor. That is a basic parry block.

    If someone throws a kick at you, you can use the parry to not get hit without using too much energy.

  11. To block or divert, as already said. In other words, if a guy punches at you and you knock his hand to the side.

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