
In Michigan , how long do yo uhave to stop at the stop signs?

by  |  earlier

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I read somewhere that you have to stop for 4 this true




  1. haha i dont think so. What the guy on top said. Never heard about that 4 second rule before. I live in michigan. Just recently pass my Learners Permit about a couple weeks ago. Read the whole book. Didn't see it when i read it.

  2. i was told by a nice young officer ,   as long as it takes to say Michigan state police

  3. No I do not believe so, just come to a complete stop and you will be fine.

  4. come to a complete stop and look for approaching  traffic

    then if no traffic then continued (of course if there

    is traffic close you stop of course and wait until its


  5. I earned my license in Rhode Island and the law there was the vehicle must come to a complete stop for 3 seconds.  Vehicles over 10,000 lbs gross weight were subject to a 6 second rule.

    I searched the Michigan laws and found no indication of a minimum acceptable time to stop.  All laws prescribe a full stop and proceeding when safe to do so.

  6. The vehicle has to come to a complete stop. Then proceed when safe.

  7. Until it is safe to proceed is the rule around the world. Maybe Michigan has some stupid timing rule that is outdated and not used. Just stop at the sign. If nobody is comeing, proceed. The cops got plenty better to do.

  8. as long as you make a complete stop before the thick white line you'll be fine

  9. No, there is no 4 second rule.  You must come to a complete stop.  Then you can proceed as soon as it is safe to do so.

  10. Michigan Police are a-holes, I wouldn't chance it, for some reason that whole state drives crazy but I made a left hand turn at a green light and you can't do that for some reason, there was no logical reaslon and the sign was covered.

    so after my ranting during this questionI would just say better to be safe than sorry

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