
In Monopoly, if I draw the advance to go card, do I collect $200, then another $200 when I roll again?

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Okay I drew the advance to go Chance card and it said to collect $200, then when I rolled again somebody told me to collect another $200 for passing go. When this happens, do I only collect the $200 once or do I collect a second time.




  1. The directions say to collect $200 when you "land on OR pass go".  You should collect the $200 only once per each time around the board.

    Your friend was wrong, according to the rules of the game.

    However, lots of people make rules to help the game move faster (start with property, more money, putting money into Free Parking, etc.)

  2. one unless u already pass go before u got the advance to go card (once for the frist time twice for the 2nd time duh)

  3. It depends on the rules that your playing by but usually when i play we do collect $200 twice. The reason is because it says on the card to collect it and then your cupposed to collect it when you pass go so thats 2 times.

  4. No, I'm pretty sure that you only get to collect the $200.00 from the card. The card is only giving you the advantage of speeding up to go to collect your $200.

  5. no u only colect $200 dollars or you would be cheating,but if u roll and get go to go twice yes

  6. No, you only collect it once. After all, it is called "Passing Go". You didn't really pass it, you just moved from it. Imagine that you roll like normal and then land on Go. You collect the $200 then, not the next turn when you move from it. It doesn't make sense to collect another $200.

  7. You only pick up $200 one time when you pass Go.

  8. Twice

  9. You collect 200$ every time you land on go. If u get the advance to go card u go all the way around the board till u get to the go and collect only 200$,duh

  10. You collect $200 when you pass GO, not when you land on it.  So you should not collect the $200 when you draw the "Advance to GO" card, as you have not yet *passed* it.  

    This card is meant to allow you complete you lap around the board without having to pay any more rent on that lap (this means more once properties have houses & hotels on them).  

    It is on the turn after you draw the "Advance to GO" card that you are guaranteed to collect you $200 for passing GO on your next turn, since that is when you will finally pass GO.

  11. You get $200 for each time you land on or pass Go.  The "Advance to Go" card intends for you to get $200 as a result of landing on Go, not in addition to it.  In short, you only collect the money once.

  12. Yes you do

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