
In My dream was I framed?

by  |  earlier

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I had a dreamat that I was talking to this fine black guy, that looked aroung my age, at a grocerie store, I don't remember what we talked about but we were on our own way and i saw him enter a worker's agency or something like that, I followed in because i was looking for a job, and needed one, so i had walked in i saw another man sitting in the waitng area with a newspaper. Then suddenly the man i followed shot the person at the entrance info type desk. I was a little shocked, i ran out the door beacuse i was a witness. i said i shouldn't run to far or he might shoot me from a distance, so i hid behind the exit door, to see if he'd run out, and spare my life, he walked towrds me slowly and handed me the gun. i was thinking "what the heck" I took my flip flop shop and used that to touch the gun, as it slipped in i threw it to the side. then my dream ended. was this guy trying to frame me or what?




  1. Sure does seem like it!

    Ever meet a guy and he turns out to be not quite what you were hoping for?  That's what your dream is-- to the EXTREME!!

    I would take it as a warning and practice caution in how you judge people. Maybe not everyone you meet is how they really represent themselves. But-- you were smart about it in your dream, being unwilling to touch the gun. So I'd tell you to learn to listen to your gut instincts.


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