
In NASCAR does "indefinitely suspended" mean for the rest of the season or is it a lifetime ban from NASCAR.??

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I know at different places it can mean different things. Does that mean they can come back next year?




  1. it's indefinite...not a defined length of time.  the suspension is lifted at nascar's sole discretion.

  2. indefinite can mean forever, right now it is intended for at least the rest of the season

  3. It means until they decide to let them back.  However, Joe has already said that both crew chiefs are suspended for the rest of the season.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  4. I thought it meant final. Guess not.  So anyone who was suspended indefinitely today can come back next week???

    Good ol Mike Helton....guess it depends on his mood.  

  5. It means they are suspended until NASCAR drops the suspension. After a proper amount of time the person can apply to NASCAR to be reinstated.  I imagine they will be allowed back next year.

  6. there is no such thing as a life time "suspension" being indefinatley suspended just means a length hasnt been decided.

    just look up the definition of suspended.

    .To bar ((((for a period)))) from a privilege, office, or position, usually as a punishment: suspend a student from school.

  7. Actually it's up to good old fellow Mike Helton and his "hidden rule book", he makes it up and he goes in my opinion..too harsh in my opinion too, especially taking the drivers points!!!!

    He's making a point to the other owners and crews and drivers..crappers to his book!

  8. it means whenever Nascar desides to lift it, could be a day a week a month a year ext, ext


  9. It can go either way.. just depends on what NASCAR wants to do w/ them. I bet it will only be for the rest of the 2008 season, but if they chose to let the ban be lifetime that is their decision.. although it would be a poor one in my books.

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