
In Naples in Italy is crime very bad?

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I have been told by people that crime in Naples was very high and I was just wondering how true this was.




  1. No worse than any other major city, just keep your wits about you

  2. Nowhere near as bad as in the US.  There is petty crime, as in pickpocketing around tourist areas, but that's about it.  Just use the same caution you'd use at home.

  3. Yes it is. However it is a very beautiful city rich in culture, history, art and cuisine. There are many things to do.

    Here is some advice for when you are there;

    > only carry necessary items and keep them well away from view

    >if buying anything check the price and always the change given back

    >have travel insurance

    >bus tickets are bought from stalls which sell newspapers and magazines and last 90mins and cost about 1euro

    I have been there many times and have not had any trouble...just be aware of people and things around you and don't dress too touristy.

  4. The best is to stay somewhere outside Naples, like Pompeii or Sorrento or else and  do a day trip to Naples. It´s worth some sights and hours, but that is it. People who say that it is the same like other cities when it comes to crime and else are wrong. No other city you´ll get an laptop offered when you walk out the train station. Guess where they are coming from. The traffic is ridiculous and careless, as a tourist walking the city, one is more occupied watching out not getting rolled over than taking photos. But then, it is one of the big Italian cities, so, visit and take photos of the garbage in the streets. After all, it is Naples and part of EU and G7.

  5. yes it is alot worse. It dont even feel like your in Italy.

    However underneath all the crime and poverty it is (well i think) the best city in Italy. It is the not fake like rome and you could sit and look from a cafe for hours cause there is so much to take in.

  6. I went a few years ago with a girlfriend (meaning female platonic friend) we were both 23 and we had a great time. I am brunette, she is blonde, Americans. We had a couple of guys say annoying things to us, but overall it was great. We took the ferry to Capri, enjoyed the food and the funk and the stray dogs. Naples isn't pristine, but it's not bad at all. Love it there.

  7. I'm italian but I live in the north. (trento).

    Naples is a town with crime and camorra, but when you travel like a tourist in a group the risk is very low.

  8. Hello....i wasn't going to reply to this but read the first few answers and thought i must.....

    Me and my fiancee have just recently returned from Naples (June) and that was the one big question on my mind too. So much so that i started to get a tad paranoid about going there!

    Personally i loved Naples and the Italians. Yes, there was dodgy parts (like anywhere) and me and fiancee walked through a dark and dodgy part of Naples one evening. We were both looking nice as it was my fiancees 40th and we were heading for a restaurant. We both could have been worried but i didn't feel worried at all. You could see the poverty there and why there is crime but i found Naples to be extremely friendly, charismatic, exciting and cultural all at once.

    We travelled around as well via the public transport systems (which many a book would warn you about the dangers) with no problems and also visited a market where you did have to wonder where they got the stuff that was being sold! However on a day we were trying to find a cheap coat as the weather was pretty bad, my other half was getting absolutely soaked, when this lovely Italian man on one of the 'stalls' took his coat off and offered it to him!

    Like anywhere there's good and bad and you just need to watch your back when you are a tourist!

  9. Compared to other Italian cities, yes, the crime rate is higher (along with other issues, but here you're asking about crime).

    But not necessarily if you compare Naples with cities from other Countries, especially outside the EU; in western Countries, the US have by large the highest crime rate. Just think in 2005 in all Italy 601 people got murdered (10% of which in Naples and province) while just in New York I recently heard for the first time in many years there's been less than 500 homicides.

    So, crime rate may be higher in Naples but as for the rest of Italy the vast majority of crimes are non-violent ones.

  10. Paul S is right but don't get carried away.

    It is certainly renowned for pickpockets but apart from that you apply the same rules as with any other major city.

  11. yes it is..I'm italian, but not from Naples..ank I know that in Naples the crime level is very have always to be carefull there..lots of thieves everywhere...

    ciao ciao un bacio =)

  12. Napoli is the worst place to live in, the city of illegality. It's a city full of poor people. High schools and elementaries' teachers aren't competent (they don't know italian language and speak their dialect in the classroom!!!), many students don't study and the youngs who don't want to go to school use to go to work...they steal! (even if they're attending a compulsory education they always play truant!). Many kids got knife or a pistol to defend their families or theirselves from the other people or bullies. And if you want to buy an italian object (with brand) you have to pay attention...they're the wizard of imitations

  13. Naples is a nice city but the people are very bad!!

    Coke, guns, mafia...

    There are a lot of better city in Italy!

    North is safest, there's no Italian criminality, but in the biggest city there's immigrate people that are bad too...

    North= no italian criminality no mafia, but foreign criminality and mafia

    South= very small foreign criminality but there's mafia...

  14. I'm from Italian, from Milan in the North, but I know very well Naples. It's a wonderful place, I live travelling and I think that Naple is one of most beautiful city in the world. It's true, there is crime, but for a tourist there isn't any kind of problem. But don't go alone, or only with english people, in this part of city:SANITA', FORCELLA, QUARTIERI SPAGNOLI. If you want to go there, go only with napolitaner people close in a car. But the touristic area, like Mergellina, Spaccanapoli, Galleria Umberto, Piazza del Plebiscito, Lungo mare are very quite and everything is good! The only things that you MUST do are:

    1) Don't wear gold

    2) Don't speack at mobile when you are on the road

    3) Don't use wallet for you money but it's better use something like a medicine box

    4) Don't bring your bag in your hands or  back. Always wear your bag on shoulder belt.

    Excuse me for my bad english, but it's very long time that I don't write in your language, but I hope than you could undestrand me.

    Don't be afraid Naples is fantastic!

  15. I believe that there is crime, as in any other city, you just have to be aware.  Naples is not nearly as bad as Rome, however.  The thing to remember is to never keep anything valuable in your pockets!  I was in Rome in April, and someone tried to pick-pocket me.  Luckily, my passport, my money, and my camera were on the inside pockets of my jacket, so they did not get anything.

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