
In Need of Help! Nothing Mean!?

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i am starting a house watching buisness in my area and i need tips, Please nothing mean.




  1. Whenever a business sells either a product or service, it is very important to know and communicate the features and benefits to the customer. WHY have you chosen the service that you have chosen??? You want to help your clients get peace of mind that they are leaving their home and belongings in good hands. If you have experience, say so! If you have some kind of bonding that shows you to be responsible, say so! Network with family and friends and neighbors to get the word out that you can help protect homes while owners (or renters) are at work, on vacation, or whatever. So many times people trust their own family and friends and neighbors with the tasks of housesitting so realize that is your competition. Make your rates affordable and offer special services that others may not offer. Advertising is the key to your success. Partner with realtors who may know of vacant homes that needs to be cared for. The newspaper and mail carriers may know of vacationing families. Talk to travel agents whose clients will be going away. Make sure these people know of your business intentions and that you're not looking for leads of people to rob. Get business cards and pass them out to those who can help you drum up business, not only to make money for yourself but to help their clients get peace of mind. Even if you don't stay in the homes, checking on pets and mail and turning on and off lights and closing curtains and such will deter crime. When you believe in what you're doing, your clients will believe in you also. Brainstorm a little pitch to give people as to why your business will solve their needs when potential clients reply to your business card or flyers. NOW is a great time to get into the business with summer vacations. Make sure to check out the legal side of the business ... permits and taxes and insurance needs. You'll then be able to write off your marketing expenses. I have nothing mean to say ... GOOD LUCK!!!

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