
In New York, how old do you have to be to work at...?

by  |  earlier

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Taco Bell, Dunkin Donuts, or CVS/Walgreens?




  1. well im 15 and live in scotland and the age here is 16 i think so anyway it probz will be the same in new york

  2. Federal law- minimum working age is 16, with a state work permit.

  3. upstate NY or NYC? its different.

    i know that in upstate ny the minimum age is 14 but they usually dont start hiring til bout 17 or 18. it really depends. if you really want to know i recommend going to wherever it is you want to work and asking them. make sure your CV, if you need one, is in order. always important.

    hope ive helped you out

  4. 16.  MOST won't even hire a kid even though they are legally allowed to work at 14.  Sixteen they will take you into consideration for CVS ect.  restaurants that do not serve liquor will hire at 16, but those that do will only hire at 18... unless you are a dish washer.

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