
In New York is there really a city like the one portrayed in Gossip Girls?

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like rich.s****..wealthy. people?




  1. The answer is no.

    New York City has real people who are from all over. This means they are no nonsense people. Most of them are not mean spirited or evil but they have to go to work or school and do not have the time to play mind games with people.  However, there are rich people who are s****., arrogant, and condescending.  The exist every where around the world.

    With the exceptions of some police movies and TV shows, there is no TV show or movie that accurately portrays NYC life. Shows and movies like Gossip Girl, Friends, Welcome Back Kotter, Ugly Betty, Barefoot in the Park, Breakfast a Tiffany’s, Working Girl, You’ve Got Mail, and s*x and the City are just not accurate. They are just for fantasy and entertainment.

    New York City is approximately 440 square miles (land and water) and is broken into five boroughs – Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island, and Queens. New York City is not just Manhattan, it is all five boroughs! It is an insult to New York City residents when people say the real city is in Manhattan. Again, the real city is all five boroughs.  The rich neighborhoods in Manhattan do not reflect the real New York City.

    But New York can be intimidating. People at first seem cold and uninviting. But after awhile you will see decent people who are just trying to make a living. If you ever move to Manhattan then try exploring the other four boroughs – where the real New York City residents live. That alone will surpass any night life Manhattan has to offer.

  2. My friend, that section of New York City is call the Upper East Side, or what I call it the rich folk's territory. The rest of New York City, is just you average city, fast pace and big.

    Good luck

    Native New Yorker

  3. Its called the upper east side. Not everyone is s****. though

  4. Those corny shows do not represent REAL NYC.

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