
[In New Zealand] Can you get sleeping pills over the counter? [rather strong]or any other methods for sleep?

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i've quite stressed lateley and i find it hard to get to sleep does any one know any methods or if you can get sleeping pills over the counter.

P.S i've tryed St Johns wort and diddn't find it use full and i always drink herbal slppeing tea before bed time.





  1. No, not a sleeping pills. You do need prescription from MD. Try Valerian root or Melatonin.

  2. 1)  a cup of warm milk with 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg and 1 or 2 teaspoons of honey before bed.(warm milk contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that increases the amount of serotonin in the brain. advantage over sleeping pills is that you awaken at the normal time every day without feeling sleepy or drugged.

    2)  Eat lots of lettuce in the evening.  Lettuce has lactucarium, a calming agent.  Caution: lettuce is a diuretic, so you may have to get up in middle of night to go to the bathroom!!!

    3) Take a relaxing bath using any one or a combination of the following herbs:  lavender, marigold, passionflower or rosemary.  Have  a cup of chamomile, sage, or fresh ginger tea steeping and ready to drink as soon as you get out of tub.

    To reduce stress:

    1) eat raw onions--onions contain prostaglandin, which is reported to have a stress-relieving effect.

    2) take an epsom salts bath.  2 cups of epsom salts into a warm water bath. 30 minutes in tub with NO interruptions

    3) eat celery-contains phthalide which has sedative properties.

  3. try Australian Bush Flower Essences Emergency Essence put 7 drops in water shake and sip starting about half hour before sleep, it this does not help it is because of a busy mind that can not stop and then Calm & Clear Essence would be the combo and use the same 7 drops shake and sip as above.  It make take a few nights for it to kick in enough to help if you have had this a long time.

    Get the book

    Australian Bush Flower Healing by Ian White for more ideas to help other problems in your life so you are a more content person as sleep comes better with such problems resolved before trying to sleep.

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