
In No Limit Texas Hold Em you can bet anything?

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So if someone bets a car and nobody matches it they win?




  1. In a casino, the game is played for "table stakes", which covers a set of rules for dealing with money.

    1) The only money you can bet with is what's on the table BEFORE the hand begins.  (No digging for your car title after you see four aces.)  But you can always move money from your wallet to the table between hands.

    2) Money or chips only.  If you want to gamble your car away, you have to sell it before you show up at the casino.

    3) Once the money is on the table, it stays on the table until you walk away from the game. (No putting cash in your pocket after you win a big pot.)

    4) If a player is short of cash (Ex. the bet is $15 to call, but he only has $5 left), he can go "all-in".  

    He bets everything he has left on the table.  The other players bets are divided: Enough to match his bet goes into the main pot (in this case $5 from each caller), and the rest into a side pot that Mr. All-In cannot win (because he didn't bet into it).

  2. John F is right.  In casinos and in any normal game of No Limit, there is none of this c**p you see in the movies where a person pulls their car keys out and puts them on the table.  If this were the case Bill Gates could show up and win any no limit game by betting everything he had, he'd win because no one could afford to call.

    So in no limit you can bet up to the amount of chips or cash you have in front of you on the table at the beginning of the hand.  You can't reach in your pocket and pull out more chips or money during a hand in most games.

    In most games there is an upper limit and a lower limit to what you can buy in for.  So a $1/$2 no limit game may allow $50 to $300 buy in.

  3. All casinos I've been to enforce "table stakes". You can't bet more than what you have on the table. If somebody calls, but can't match your bet, they go all in, and you get the extra back.

    If you're in a game and somebody tries to bet their car, or their house, or their girlfriend, get out of town quickly!

  4. The bet has to be called by the other players but if someone calls a car and loses then yes..

  5. In no limit Hold 'Em, any player can bet their entire chip stack at any time they could bet. The only limit is how much money they have in front of them at the table.

    This does not mean if I bet $1 more than you have I automatically win. What happens is that you would bet your entire stack if you wanted to call, and any money that I bet over what you had gets returned to me (assuming we're the only 2 playing). If there are more than 2 people still in the hand, you start getting into side pots.

  6. That only happens in old westerns.  If that was the case you could sit down at any table and bet the planet, and since nobody could call you would win all the time.

    You can only BET or CALL what you have in front of you.

    If you bet $500 and I only have $100 but I call you, then you get to take $400 back and we see who wins the $200 that's left in the middle.

  7. i bet my daddy can beat up your daddy

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