
In Norway what time does upper high school start and finish?

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Time wise as in daily and how many lessons are there on average in a day?




  1. Do NOT click on that link the person answered with. He posted it in one of my questions, it is malware and a virus. I though I would warn you.

  2. It depends what kind of classes you take.. I can only talk out from my school day, but I started school at 8:05 am and had on average 6-8 lessons a day, and the day ended either 1:35 pm or 3:15 pm. The longest days with 8 lessons ended 3:15.

    Oh, and btw, on our longest day, our school day looked like this: we had two lessons and a 10 min break, and then another 2 lessons and then 50 min lunch from 11:15 to 12:05 (I think). Then two lessons, and 10 min break and another two lessons, till the school day was over at 3:15.  

    So.. to sum it up, usually from 6-8 lessons each day and from 8:05 am to 1:35 pm or 3:15 pm (with each lesson 45 min long).

  3. hmm, its different from school to school, it depends on what kind of upper high school it is.. but i can figure it out for u

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