
In Oklahoma, is there any way you can quit your job and still receive unemployment?

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We have 2 weeks sick leave per year.

There is an anti-union law in Oklahoma(since 2001), so we don't have Unions. That is why employers like Oklahoma, no unions. They can pretty much fire you for any reason, however as Janet said, they would rather you quit so you cannot get unemployment compensation from the government and so their taxes don't increase.




  1. if you quit and try for unemployment you will be required to go to a hearing and prove that you had a compelling reason to quit AND that you exhausted ALL options in trying to resolve the issue that made you quit..that means that you have to talk to all management until you get a resolution ( good or bad).. You cant just quit cuz you feel like it and collect .

  2. I don't know specifically about Oklahoma, but I have had former employees file for unemployment even though they quit their jobs.  I had to show documentation to the fact that they did terminate employment by their own volition.  If I had not responded or had the reviewer not agreed with my response documentation, they could have received unemployment benefits.  This is not good for employers, especially small business owners, because it increases the tax rate for the company.  So, employers prefer that an employee resign instead of having to fire him/her.

    So, if you do quit and you have no other employment, there is no harm in filing for employment benefits; but there is no guarantee you will receive it.

  3. In england, we usually go to our Doctor with an acute stress reaction and get a sick note and get paid for being off work. Do you do this in USA? if so, log with your doc that you are being harrassed at work and it is affecting your work, self esteem and confidence. If this is logged and you get the boot unfairly, then you are quids in and a law suit against the company looks likely. I have done this once and won. If you can go on the sick with stress or  harrassment then if you get sacked, your union will go crazy (if you have one) hope things work out.

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