
In Psalms 82:6, it says, "I say unto to you that you are gods.....". Christians, what does this mean?

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In Psalms 82:6, it says, "I say unto to you that you are gods.....". Christians, what does this mean?




  1. We are gods in our own right. Meaning that we have free will just like God, we can love just like God, and we can be angry just like God. I could go on and on. The point is that we were made in the image of God, so we should act like God in the sense of choosing good over evil.

  2. I'm going with Pa Ul here.  I was about to say something nearly identical.

  3. Jesus acknowledged this statement of Scripture, noting that we are made in the image of God. We are mortal by flesh but immortal according to the soul. We are "gods" in that respect. Interesting note here, this lets us know for a fact that we are not "animals" in any way.

  4. I'm not christian, but I have a personal opinion, if you want to hear it.

    We are gods, we are "made" from the same "material" as the gods/god. Christians say we were made in the image of God. That certainly means we have the same qualities and properties as God. It's not just Jesus a God, we are all Gods. We should accept this and acknowledge the power we posess.

    Blessed be.

  5. This verse tells of the preeminence of man.

    Notice the small g, this means it is not a true God.

  6. 6. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most high.

    7. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes

    You have to start with PSALM 82

    God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.

    Now this is a good questions, right out of the bible.

    Sounds to me more than one god? We are all gods? but don't have the power so we die like men.

    The Christians made me pull out one of my bibles and I have many.

    Agnostic thank you by the way

    To Shandora the fundie ELOHIM or ELOAH is Gods name in Hebrew

    Arabic - Allah

    Malay - Alla

    Assyrian - Ellah

    Armorican -Teuti

    Old Egyptian - Teut

    Language of the Magi - Orsi

  7. Elohim in often translated as judge in Hebrew.  This verse was speaking to the world leaders at the time.

  8. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High...

    This means we are destined to be Gods if we live worthily; we are after all His children.

  9. If memory serves me he's referring to the Jewish judges being called Gods or something similar, it's been a while, I need to reread the bible again really.  If memory serves there is also mention of man being called Gods in John 10:34 (Edit: found a reference for it... added to sources and fixed my verse reference.)

    I personally like Psalm 137:9 KJV for the confusing people aspect... "Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."

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