
In Puerto Rico, how is the leader of the government chosen?

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In Puerto Rico, how is the leader of the government chosen?




  1. They have three political parties and they vote every 4 years.

  2. The governor of Puerto Rico is chosen by elections every 4 Years.

  3. Elected by direct vote in elections held every 4 years on the second Sunday of November.  Next election is in November 2008.  Every resident of PR with 18 yrs old or over can registrate as a voter and participate.

    Apart from the governor we also elect:

    * Resident Commisioner (member of the House of Representatives - US Congress)

    * Local Senators

    * Local Representatives

    * Majors

    * Municipal (towns) legislators

  4. Every four years, by general election. The 2 most prominent parties the PPD, which wants the commonwealth status to remain and NPP which want statehood, conduct caravans throughout the island blocking local traffic. Youcould get tied up in one of thei ridiculous caravans for hours. They also carry along several vans or trucks with huge speakers playing as loud as possible music and whatever agenda they want to inform voters about with complete disregard for the populations desire for quiet and peace. They also follow a ridiculous idea that they wear the colors of their party; reminds me of gangs with specific colors. They post thei slogans everywhere and thy stay there until nature destroys them. I even had a bumper sticker put on my car one time without my knowledge, which I see as a violation of my rights and a total lack of respect. I hate all of the hoopla and circus environment that they create. They brake all kinds of laws in the process, children riding on top of cars and pickups is one that I hate very much because they could get hurt. Some candidates even get into physical fights. This is one time when I wish to go somewhere else until they are done with all their nonsense and come back on time to vote them out of office. Statehood would give us more rights to control the reckles state of election on  the island. Most of them are crooks, like "Animal" Acevedo Vila, who has been indicted in 18 counts of money laundering, ilegal appropiation of his campaign funds, not reporting donations to his campaing funds and income tax ivasion. Remember how the Feds got Al Capone. This guy is such a jerk, he cries and claims he`s innocent and he claims the Feds have made it all up. As far as I`m concerned he`s guilty and will get just what he deserves he has destroyed our economy with his incompetence. I sincerely hope that our people will vote him out of office, or that he gets thrown in jail soon which is what he desrves.

  5. We dont choose we let our doggies choose!


    Just kidding. There are 4 political parties and every 4 years we choose. (like voting in US)

  6. By the People Votes

  7. They are handpicked and play guess the number between 1-20.

  8. On democratic elections, every 4 years.  (Next November)

  9. Supposedly by secret ballot voting every four years.  Just like the US, although there is no electoral college, so whomever gets the most votes wins.  Last election there was fraud, clearly illegal ballots were counted in favor of Acevedo Vila and just like the 2000 election in the US, the Puertorrican Supreme Court decided the election in favor of his crony.

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