
In Puerto Rico, why are the coasts retiring more and more...?

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I need to know why are the coasts of PR retiring and if is got somethingo to do with the global warming.




  1. Because of erosion from the ocean and the lack of funds/attention provided by the government of the oldest colony in existance today, Puerto Rico.

    A colony since 1493.

    My 2 cents.

  2. puerto rico its a volcano, yes, a huge unactive volcanic island, i believe that has to do a lot with it.

  3. The island's top layers are made of limestone, which is a fairly soft stone vulnerable to wave action.  If it were a global warming issue, there would be a noticeable rise in tide levels; which has not been reported.

  4. This  one  You have tyo ask a Oceanographer  or  a  Scientist....

  5. By retiring do you mean the coast is receding and the ocean is gainning or are you asking the oppossite? Whichever way no change in our coasts has been announced. With the current cold we have been having I would say forget "Global Warming". Melissa the only time our island has had free choise was when Tainos ruled the island. Independentistas hate the United States and they seem to think that Puerto Rico became a colony when the US took over after Spain gifted the US with our island, at the end of the Spanish-American War ending over 400 years of Spanish colonialism. Puerto Rico was a colony of Spain. Spain treated Puerto Rico as very insignificant. Spain`s babies were Mexico, some South American countries and Cuba. Those where the colonies that kept military control or kept filling Spain`s coffers with gold and other riches. If we keep listening to the 3 or 4 thousand Independentistas on the island they will end up running the place with Acevedo-Vila the new dictator of his declared republic. They better stop their nonsense before we have a freaking civil war. By the way the origins of Puerto Rico is in Central America. The island ended up here due to some volcanic eruptions. But Puerto Rico has never been volcanic like many other islands in the Caribbean.

  6. God Neptune and Anibal Acevedo Vila

  7. For my friend rodixe T PR is a colony of the USA since July 25, 1898 when the USA win the Hispanoamerican War an the troops take PR as a War Treasure from Spain.

    For your question is not only PR coasts who are suffering of that. All the shores of the world is registering this. If all the Nations of the world make affords to begin to consume the ocean's water making desalinize plants, the melting waters of the poles don't be a problem. Remember all the scientist of the world know that our two poles are the remaining of the Glacier Era (only make a visit to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington and you can read this). This melting is taking a very quick process thanks to us, for the contamination we produce that is creating more danger to the ozone.

  8. Global Warming and it's not the first time... there are places in P.R. in the mountains where you can find fossils from ancient sea creatures... same goes for almost every other caribbean island.  In Port-au-Prince, Haiti you can easily see them in the rocks just below the plaza at the big Catholic Cathedral... and that is several HUNDRED FEET above sea level today.

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