
In RP, ads aired in cable TV channels and movies annoy me a lot. Aren't these suppose to be illegal?

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In RP, ads aired in cable TV channels and movies annoy me a lot. Aren't these suppose to be illegal?




  1. i don't think it's illegal.   imo, it's a business strategy to continue its operation otherwise the charge rates for subscribing will be higher and exorbitant for filipinos  

  2. what's your problem... in RP?!

  3. I've read many of your questions.  I'm wondering why everything that annoys you should be illegal?  If you are bothered by all those petty little things I think you are in the wrong country. "Serenity now" quote: Frank Costanza

  4. It is illegal. That's why we paid for cable in the first place, so we don't have to put up with a bombardment of TV ads. The consumer is on the losing end here, since there are no watch dogs monitoring the air time  of cable TV programming. Unless it catches on with the news media like RJs anti-opposition campaign.

    What' sad is that these ads are poorly placed into the programming, interrupting news broadcast of CNN, HBO, sports matches and MTV, etc. So by the time you get back to your movie you have missed out on certain plot points or details.

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