
In Ramadan,why the timings for iftar and sehr different for shias and sunnis??

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Since iftar and sehr timings are determined by Sun why is that Shia muslims have a little bit longer fast than Sunni muslims?




  1. the only differene with the time they brek their fast is wen

    shia make sure it is the iftar time by waiting an extra 30min

    sunni break their fast just a few minutes after the migrib started

  2. Shias timing of iftar is little later than other muslims

    They think there  darkness should appear .

    But all other muslims view is that ,sunset  is a time for IFTAR  

    There r many hadith which supports breaking the fast at sunset.

    if we only follow Quran we can not even offer salah ,bcoz deatail is in the Hadith Thats why Hadith must be followed to perform any duty of islam.

    To under stand any Ayah of Quran we have to see how Prophet (saw) & sahaba interpreted  it.

  3. Islam is a religion of moderation.. I dont think we need to sit around and knit pick every single detail.. Allah tells us that if we make the religion hard on ourselves, he will only make it harder for us..

    Islam is a way of life, not a struggle.. Also when the Quran tells us when to break a fast.. its still left up to us to interpret it the best we can. And if we feel what we do is the absolute best, then Allah wont fault us for it.. Maybe sunni feel one way and its correct to the best of their thoughts.. and shia feel another way and its correct to the best of their thoughts..

    May Allah bless us all and unite all us muslims into one! ^-^  

  4. because the time of the fast ends is at the call for maghrib prayer, the sunnis believe maghrib starts at twilight, us shias believe that it starts when the sun has set completely

  5. I think you probably have a good point.

    Sunnis and s**+'a both follow their own interpretations from their respective ahadis.

    But Allah gave in Al Qur'an that it was for Him to explain it and to make it clear.

    How to misinterpret "till the night appears...?"

    Thanks, yo. Will look into this...

    Otherside, the salaat isn't shown in detail in all the collected ahadis, either, and the hadis often contradict each other. That's not where we got the prayer from. The point is not a strong one. Allah gave in Al Qur'an what was necessary. The rest is form, secondary.

    I offer my salaat like most anyone else, I just don't lock it up with wiggling or straightening my finger at this or that time or any other unnecessary distractions.

    Also, I dare you to follow just the Sahih ahadis...You'll be in custody before you know what happened.

  6. And wonder of wonders, this small difference is enough to make us kill one another.

    How deep we have fallen.  May Allah help us all.  Ameen.

  7. ive noticed that. shia wont break their fast until its basically dark outside (way after maghrib, like 30 minutes) but we break it at the maghrib adhan. in the quran it says to wait until you cant tell a white thread from a black, so perhaps its better to wait. i want to see what other people say...

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