
In Riyadh will having adopted kids be an issue?

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My children are Chinese. How are asian adoptees of caucasian parents treated in Saudi society? How old are girls before they have to cover themselves when they go out of a compound area?




  1. Yes

  2. They will be just fine..

    I have many lady friends from China, Japan, Philipines that are actually married to Saudi men and their daughters look traditionally asian.. No one bothers them when they go about.. In fact, you will be amazed at the different types of people represented from all over the world walking about in the malls.. Your children will fit right in. and children are resilant.. they will make friends real quick and pick up the language real quick,, they are like sponges when it comes to learning.. .. As for covering up a daughter.. Once she hits puberty and starts her menstral cycles.. that is when you need to cover her.. prior to that.. she is ok to go out with normal clothing.. You will see the other children in the malls and get a general idea... dont worry.. ^_^

  3. i have lived there before,

    u r children will be treated normally, most saudis dont tease or abuse others, they r respectful, kind and helpful...i have alot of connections there and i have never been treated badly.

    For u r daughters, they need to cover their body when they r looking like women, i mean when their b*****s enlarges.

    i liked that part alot while living there because i dont need to dress up daily in good clothes i could wear anything simple and go out. It is also very secure for women.

  4. It shouldnt. I dont live in riyadh and never have but being foreigner, people dont really think twice. We actually have orphanages here and people do sponsor and adopt also. As for covering when going out of the compound, yes. In riyadh they should and check out expats or

    There are expat sites to help find things you need, want or just to connect with people.

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