
In Rome, Italy- Describe what is the feeling toward gypsies.?

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What do they do? Are they not liked? I dont understand the whole thing at all.




  1. I don't really know the whole story about them

    but i spent three weeks in Rome

    and although they probably had hard lives and i feel bad for them

    they were rather pesky

    and they'd use like tricks to make you feel bad for them

    like oh BAMBINI BAMBINI and be carying a baby.

    But, most of the time when my mom wasn't looking (cause she doesn't like giving money to people blah blah blah) id give them a couple of my euro =P

  2. I just like them to get the F***k out of Italy!!!!

    thy run over my wife with a van without insurance, they break into my house 2 times and got all my values.

    They stay in italy with  free place to stay, free electricity free mobile homes, free meals free wather all paid with MY TAXES.

    They pickpocket tourist in the center -NO STOP -all year long,

  3. no...they are not liked at all, i think is the one "social gruop" in italy that is hated everywhere (not just in Rome)... why?

    because they are: dirty, impolite (is not unusual see agymsie woman spitting around..), they ask money and if you say no they follow you asking again and again, when you stop at traffic lights they bring near the car and ask for charity(if you are lucky) or they pretend to wash your windshield and if you say no they try to wash it anyways (they put the squeegee on your windshield and dirty it...)

    the really bad thing is that they steal, and steal a lot... and use babies to steal (it's much more easy that a baby that is 4 steal you everything and you don't even feel him (small hands, and you don't think a baby can do it so well...but d**n...they do!)

    last month i saw a group with babies and i get upset: babies of 3 drinking beer from a bottle... it was horrible!!

  4. It's a long story and it would be impossible to tell it all here.

    Basically the Gypsy squats on public land, never stays long enough in one place to become a good neighbor. Not staying long enough anywhere he never has a real job... and therefore to make ends meet the Gypsy sends his families out to beg AND, yes, to steal. They send the under aged children out to steal for if the child is caught, by law, he cannot be arrested and so the kid is let go. And you see the same children again again in the streets picking pockets and even breaking into homes.

    All of this creates a distrust of the Gypsy...

    Some Italian cities even have set aside land with camps for the Gypsy with plumbing and electricity... And the local Italian residents pay for all of this with their tax “dollars”. It’s a bit disheartening to see the Gypsy get all this free stuff while resident neighborhoods are being vandalized by some of the Gypsies. It’s not fair at all to see them get free housing and even foods stuffs when residents are trying to make ends meet ... many Italians make no more than a thousand Euro a month.

  5. To tell the truth: they are not liked very much due to reasons already well explained by "genius cook"!

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