
In Rugby Union is it counted as a knock on if you head the ball?

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In Rugby Union is it counted as a knock on if you head the ball?




  1. Yes

  2. Not as long as you catch it

  3. Yes it is.

  4. no

  5. Any part above the waist... hitting it forward with legs or feet doesn't count as a knock on.

  6. No. A knock-on can only come about if the ball does 2 things

    1. Touches any part of your arm from the shoulder to the finger

    & 2. Travels forward and falls to the ground.

    If the ball were to hit your head and you caught it with or without it bouncing to the ground it would still be PLAY ON!!

  7. Yeah I think doesn't matter what part of the body touches the ball...if its gone forward...its a knock on...

  8. Off the head: no knock on.   Knock-on is only when forward, i.e. toward opponents' goal line) from any point of the whole arm(s), shoulder to finger-tip, and touches ground or another player.   Similarly, off the chest , hip, stomach etc., no knock on.   (See also deliberate knock-on, knock-on followed by second knock-on, etc..)

  9. No, Law 17

    A knock-on occurs when the ball travels forward towards the direction of the opponents' dead-ball line after:-

    a player loses possession of it, or

    a player propels or strikes it with his hand or arm, or

    it strikes a player's hand or arm and touches the ground or another player before it is recovered by the player.

    A throw-forward occurs when a player carrying the ball throws or passes it in the direction of his opponents' dead-ball line. A throw-in from touch is not a throw-forward. If the ball is not thrown or passed forward but it bounces forward after hitting a player or the ground, it is not a throw-forward.

    A pass, throw or knock-on should not be adjudged an infringement unless it is clearly so under the Law. If there is any doubt, play should be allowed to proceed.

  10. remember, its only a knock on if it touches the ground or another player as it moves forward. If through some fluke you managed to head it and then either catch or kick it, you are home free.

    Headed a rugby ball once, the pointy ents hurt like h**l!!!

  11. Just thought i'd respond because of an alarming amount of wrong answers. It most certainly not a knock on if you head the ball nor it it a knock on if it hits your chest ar any part of the both except your arms and hands

  12. No. If that happens and it does happen, play is still on

  13. if you try blocking the other team kicking or punting the ball then no, but other than that it is considered a knock, if you have a bad or new ref then they may not call it but you can try

  14. absolutely...

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