
In Runescape, which is better - rune 2h alone or rune scimitar with rune shield?

by  |  earlier

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Also, was it always impossible to use shield with 2h or did that come with the new RS? Because when I played it 5 years ago I don't ever remember that being the case. I just started up again and I don't often see people wielding 2h's alone :S. Should I fight with just the 2h?




  1. The 2 hand has always been 2 handed. How would you hold your shield then?  

    As for which to use , that really depends on your target. If they're heavily armored you'll need the 2 handers power to do much damage. If they're lightly armored or you need more defense use the skimmie/shield combo so you can hit them faster & protect yourself.  

  2. Rune scimmy are faster than a 2h and deal large amounts plus with extra defence with a rune shield you should be doing ok. 2h are slow but can deal a lot depends on your level really.

  3. Scimitar + Shield. Defense + Faster attacking speed.

  4. scimmy + shield

    p.s y dont u become a ranger?

    p.p.s add me my user is bradoh3

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