
In Saving Private Ryan, what is wrong with Tom Hanks hand?

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In Saving Private Ryan, what is wrong with Tom Hanks hand?




  1. His shaking hands reveal the psychic damage he's undergone in the year and a half since he and his men landed in North Africa. Miller must overcome this trauma, must suppress his fears, must show no sign of doubt, must act decisively while under fire.This is heroism of a different order than the macho death cult personified by John Wayne. Miller's is the heroism of an ordinary soldier following impossible orders. Like so many of his generation, Miller is merely doing his job. The casting of Hanks, our Jimmy Stewart or Henry Fonda--the unremarkable, yet uncommonly decent average Joe--reinforces this non-heroic heroism, as does what little we learn of his background: he's that least likely of heroes, an English teacher. Vietnam has taught us that real heroism isn't John Wayne taking out a machine gun nest; it's a man who can't keep his hands from shaking (a man who should be home marking comma splices and sentence fragments) yet who instead is bravely leading men into battle.

    This was from an interview with Spielberg...

  2. Psychic damage. War really screws with your mind. You see, hear, and smell things you should never have to. Ever heard how loud an artillery round is when it explodes? Every smelled the internal organs of your best friend as you try to save him in the middle of battle? Ever seen the death, destruction, and chaos? If you have, then your hand will be shaking too.

  3. maybe wrecked nerves? A little too much PTSD?

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