
In Scotland is it against the law to deny anyone the right to go to the toilet?

by Guest44974  |  earlier

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Please give me further details regarding the illegality of this.




  1. The laws of nature preclude any attempt to stop the flow of digested and filtered products from the body.If the toilet in question is a part of a private establishment, then I'm sure you can be denied access.You do have a right to p**p or pizz,There is no bowel legislation.

  2. To deny any person access to a public toilet is illegal.

    Also, "Employees have the right, in law, to a clean, private toilet with hot and cold running water, and soap."

    However, children are never specified for school type situations. Article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child "Children have the right to good quality health care and clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment so that they stay healthy", so one would assume that would include the toilet, but it's fairly open to interpretation.

  3. Difficult one. there is no specific law in relation to this that I am aware of and it would likely come down to circumstance. If someone were to appear at your door asking to use the toilet it would be okay to deny them, however, if you were to physically restrain or curtail someone using a toilet that was freely available to them you could be committing a number of crimes such as breach of the peace, assault or false imprisonmen tthe state was to prevent access to a toliet eg toilet prisoner it could breach the Geneva convention and the various human rights act. All depends on who , where and why.  

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