
In Shakespeare's Macbeth what does the quote "My hands are of your colour but I should feel ashamed to wear a

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heart so white" mean?




  1. He shares the other man's race and ethnicity, but he thinks the other's cowardice is shameful and disgraceful.  A "white heart" is a weak, pale, fragile one, not strong or bold.

  2. My hands are as bloody as yours. I am as guilty of Duncan's death as you but I am much more cowardly. ( pale hearted- a heart so white).

  3. Actually, Lady Macbeth is quite disgusted with her husband right now:

    "My hands are as bloody as yours. I am as guilty of Duncan's death as you but you make me sick with your lily-livered agonizing over what you did.... get over it, you faint-hearted weakling!"      :-)  

    (Loved that play!)

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