
In Spiderman 3, whats going on in this picture?

by  |  earlier

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Well i mean obviously Harry is looking off a balcony but like whats the plot of the scene?




  1. funny thing is that shot is obviously just a production shot because in the scene we dont see him at that angle.

  2. mary jane watson (spidermans girl friend) is performing on stage. peter parker (spiderman in disguise) is watching her too. harry is glaring at peter who is singing along to the words that mary jane is singing. harry has just learnt that peter is spiderman and was responsible for his father norman osborn death. harry is furious at peter because he thinks he deliberately killed norman. he is also angry at peter because harry was going out with mary jane and he feels that peter stole her from him.

  3. idk but he's hot XD

  4. watching mary jane watson perform on the stage, she's an actress you know... =P

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