
In Street Fighter games, what are some differences between Ken and Ryu? Who is better?

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I know it varies between different games, so please be specific about which SF you are talking about.




  1. In the very old original street fighters KEN would be way better to me. Reasons why: He faster in my opion. His upper cute has a way longer reach. His figher ball can turn to a Actually (Fire) red ball. His uppercut super moves has a way longer reach like it can reach across the screen.

    As for ryu...his upper cut has no reach at all. His uppercut supermove u have to be really close to opponent to actually hit him (g*y). His fireball supermove is very easy to dogde.

    In the newer version though its really the same actually exept ryu can turn evil. thats the only part he has over ken. Other than that ken outbeats ryu by a long shot.

    (evil ryu though beats ken lol)


  2. They have the same move set and are basically the same fighter.  The difference boils down to how you want to play.  Ken is the aggressive and offensive minded fighter.  Ryu is the patient and more defensive fighter.  Kens moves are fast and cover more space where as Ryu's moves are slower and not as long range.  I personally love Ryu but Ken is fun for some fast butt kicking.....

  3. Overall, ken is better at physical attacks. Specifically the Shoryuken. His shoryuken has a wider range to hit people and engulfed in flames. While Ryu is better at energy/ki attacks, specifically stronger hadoukens. Ryu can use shinku-hadoukens and other more powerful hadoukens.

    Ken is faster, more combo-able and a little weaker. Ryu is slightly slower but stronger with strong hits. Ken's tatsumaki senpuukyaku is a multi hit attack. While Ryu's is a one-hit knockdown. There are many, many differences.

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