
In Super Mario World: Super Mario Advanced 2 ....... I am on the forest of illusion on my game boy advanced ?

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I am at the Forest of illusion 4 and I beat ALL of them like 5 times but it wont go to the one after the 4th illusion forset HELPPPPPPPPPPP




  1. This level may pose difficulty for those who have trouble with Lakitus.  Have

    two Fire Flowers with you to easily kill the Spinies.

    When you start, a Fishing Lakitu will fly from the right side and start to

    hover over you.  Grab the extra life on the fishing line, dodge the single

    Flying Koopa, and run forward.  Jump past the gap, get the mushroom from the

    upper pair of yellow bricks, and jump on the Lakitu's head.  Grab the first

    Dragon Coin to your right as you jump over the gap.  Run forward, kill the

    Lakitu in the blue pipe, jump the gap, and get the star from the shifting

    block.  Hop over another gap, get the coins from the '?' block, and kill the

    Lakitu as you jump over the pipe.  Get the second Dragon Coin under the yellow

    brick and the Fire Flower from the fourth '?' block, and kill the Lakitu inside

    the yellow pipe.  When the flying Lakitu appears, Use your star power to kill

    it, and jump on the cloud.  Float towards the right using the cloud, ignore the

    Lakitu in the blue pipe, and hop on the moving green pipe.  When the pipe is

    up, grab the third Dragon Coin in the air, jump past the gap, and kill the

    Lakitu in the first red pipe.  Head forward, kill the Lakitu in the yellow

    pipe, and jump through the Check Point on the upper cliff to your left.

    ---Check Point---

    Jump to the upper ground, run down the flight of stairs, and press the 'P'

    switch under the hovering blue pipe. *** Grab as many coins as you can, and

    climb up the small flight of stairs above the tiny gap.  Kill the Flying Koopa,

    jump to the lower ground, and across the pipes.  Kill the Lakitu, get the Fire

    Flower from the '?' block, and eat the blue shell.  Fly straight up, following

    the path of coins, until you grab the fourth Dragon Coin in the sky.  Drop

    down, hop across the gap, and run forward.  Kill the Koopa, hop across the gap,

    and use the blue bricks to steal the cloud from the Lakitu.  Jump in the cloud,

    float forward, and drop when you see the green pipe.  Eat the Jumping Piranha

    and get the last Dragon Coin between the pipes.  Jump past the second pipe,

    kill the snapping Chargin' Chuck, and run through the End Marker.  Nice Job!!  

    You beat Forest of Illusion 4!

    Secret Exit:

    Wait a few seconds until the Lakitu throws a Spiny to the ground.  Spin jump on

    the Spiny to get a boost, and land on the blue pipe.  Kill the Lakitu and enter

    the pipe to land in the chamber.  Put the key into the keyhole to beat the

    level.  Nice Job!  You found the secret exit!!

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