
In Texas what are some highschools that has high TAKS scores, and they have student labtops?

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This is for a persuasive essay or English class is doing, and if there good enough being sent out to or school board, principle and superadentent. Please help me, I want those student labtops.




  1. why are you asking your question in the Special Ed section? why do so many people not understand that Special Education deals with people who have physical and/or mental disabilities?

  2. soem schools do give laptops-there is a MIDDLE school near me taht does-

    seacrh teh department of ed websites that list school scores

  3. I cannot imagine that any public highschools would offer student laptops.  I've heard of it at private schools on occasion, but usually not before college.

  4. You had an answer from "neniaf", who is a Top Contributor, who said she can't imagine any high school offering laptops to students.  Well, actually Irving High School in Irving, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, does provide a laptop to each student to use for the school year. Not only that but at Lively Elementary in Irving, Texas, 4th and 5th grade students are provided with laptops as well.  Back to your question.  Unfortunately, the TAKS scores aren't as high as they would like.  I'm not sure what they attribute that to, but they do have a high Hispanic population, some of whom have not been in the states too long so that may be the reason for it.  At the elementary level it's been great.

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