
In Thailand if you can't touch someone's head, how do barbers get away with cutting or washing your hair?

by  |  earlier

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And, how does a boyfriend and girlfriend embrace...? Strange custom.. I realise the head is important anyway, but some people take it too far..




  1. i think u can touch someones head cuz im thai and i should kno. lol

  2. I find the taboo to be limited to strangers [ like the guy above who thought it was his girlfreind or probably they had not been together too long ] - - and limited in appropriateness - - if done disrespectfully, like maybe a playful slap, well, it might not be appreciated... but would it be in your country?

    My wife would never object to my touching her head --

    I think this has been over blown a bit - but she would object to anything near my feet - for example if anyone were sleeping on the floor and I were to step over them or stepover food, [ they oft eat on the floor -] that would be disgusting of me..

  3. Touching someone's head or feet is a practical matter.  A person doing their job can touch you head or feet.  Like a doctor, barber, masseuse monk or a pedicurist.

    I'm sure you don't mind someone getting in your personal space or asking how much money you make or how much the things you have cost or asking where you are going.

    On another note they don't have any trouble just walking up to you and rubbing a fat belly (supposedly good luck).

  4. Basically it's a matter of no harm, no foul, just like someone who is pointing their feet or the bottom of their feet at you unintentionally. As long as their is no malicious intent or aggresiveness behind their actions, it's ok, although you should try to avoid it. I've always been slightly amused by the no head touching thing here in Thailand, when and where do you ever go around touching people on the head unless you're fighting or giving noogies? As far as boys and girls, you will rarely ever see Thais displaying public affection, but once in private, anything goes or so I've been told.

  5. They're allowed to touch your head- as are massage staff.   Touching someone's head is taboo because Thais believe that your spirit dwells in your head.  Another circumstance I can see is touching a young kid's head- that seems to be okay if you're an older person.

    Your second question- all bets are off when it's a romantic relationship.  Thai or not, hands as well as other body parts find their way to your head.  What I found amusing is that my ex-GF once asked me for permission to touch my head!  lol...

  6. they use their feet

  7. This question never had to be asked.  It makes common sense to touch the head in these cases.  Please find better questions to ask here to test our knowledge.

  8. From what I could see on my two holidays that I had there, this taboo is not as widely accepted as it might have been a few years ago. BUT we also do not go around and touches every-ones head we see. I am South African and will be very uncomfortable if a stranger walks up to me and just touch me (On the head or anywhere else).

    Barbers are doing their job, and therefor I believe there never was a taboo against them touching any ones head. I had the greatest head massage is a hair salon. Though it is also not considered polite to expose your feet soles in the direction of people, someone who gives you a foot massage would not take offense to this since she/he has to sit facing your soles in order to do his/her job properly.

  9. It's not that much different from the west. Do you mind if a barbers works on your hair? No, of course not. Do you mind if a waiter or a pastry chef works on your hair? I think you probably would.

    It's about the same in Thailand. Just don't tap someone on the head, and you'll be fine.  

  10. I think the custom changed, you can't touch their buds.

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