
In The American?????

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In The American or football american as they say in the United States.

What are the basic principles in tactica??????????????




  1. score more points then opponet , play deffense when u r not on offense when dont have the ball u r suppose to tackel them catch the ball which is a interception , field goal when u kick the football through a field goal post.

  2. Score more points than your opponent and keep him from scoring. Pretty simple... Actually, football is a lot like War. You have to have a ground attack as well as an air attack. Deception works, but only if it comes out of no where. Teams who use deception rarely are actually more successful at it than teams who rely upon it a lot. Defense should be balanced as well. Too much reliance on stopping one aspect of the game opens you up for a world of hurt in another aspect of the game. Don't get me started on special teams! Other than that, there are so many variations on tactics and stratagies that there just isn't enough space to go into detail. the best thing, my friend, is to watch football and, as you become acquanted with the rules and various coaches ways of doing things, the tactics will reveal themselves to you.

  3. Just to argue about the factor of deception.  Um, how do you think Brady led the Patriots to two Super Bowls with only Troy Brown and Antoine Smith as weapons?

    Assuming an East west-Field. One team wants to go west while stopping the other team from going east.  The other team is vice-versa.

    The guy with the ball will try to go the way his team wants.  Other players on his team try to push defenders out of the way.

    If behind the starting line, called the line of scrimmage, he can throw it to a player behind all the guys wanting to tackle the runner.  Problem is the other team knows about that and sends a man (or two) to "defend against the pass".  If the ball hits the ground, play is over, pass failed.  One of the offenses 4 tries to gain ten yards is gone with no gain.  If a defender catches the ball his team goes on offense.

    Oh after 10 yards, the team on offense get a fresh 4 tries, called "downs."

    After three downs they can punt if they don't think they'll succeed.  They kick it away down field and the other team starts on offense after trying to run it back, if they can.

    On a punt they can not recover the ball unless it hits a player from the other team first.  (Sometimes you'll see the receiving team run away from the ball as the kicking team surrounds it lest it bounce funny and hit a receiving team member in the leg or something.)

    If they are close enough, or running out of time, they can try a field goal.  It is a different type of kick than a punt,  The kicker tries to get the ball between posts at the back of th endzone.

    If he makes it it is 3 points,  half of what you get for running or passing it in.  (Then if runned or passed in they can score 1 or two extra points, so this field goal option is not very attractive, but better than nothing.)

    If he misses, the other team takes over where he kicked from.
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