
In The Dark Knight, where did the Joker live, and why did he tell two different stories about his scar?

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Where did the Joker actually live? Why did he tell the two totally different stories about his "smile"? Why did he burn all that money? He could have bought lots of cool destructive stuff with it?

PS - Where's Robin too?




  1. ikd. i think its just because he wanted people to think that he wasnt accully crazy.

  2. 1.  He had no set location.  Because he's a different kind of criminal.

    2.  Because the Joker is meant to be unknown.

    3.  Because he's insane.

    PS:  Robin isn't around.

  3. the joker told two different stories because it shows you cannot trust him and he never stumbles when he talks to show that his victims will think he tells the truth.  

    The joker burned all the money to teach him that everything is not all about money in the criminal life.the joker shows that he is more cruel than other criminals.

    the movie does not tell us where he lives but tells us he doesn't sleep much.this might prove he constantly moves around and progress.

    PS. robin should not be in the second movie but maybe the third or possibly the forth.

    PSS next time pay attention to the movie!!!!!!!

  4. the truth is not that important to the Joker.

    alos, he may not know the truth anymore.

  5. He lived in Gotham City and he lied about the scars, at least once.

    Where's Robin?  Boy, I wonder.

  6. this question is dissapointing, THINK! if Heith was alive (R.I.P) he would slap u

  7. If your an old batman fan, you'll find that almost every joker depicted is a suave type of joker, but still certifiably insane, in an extremely comical sort of way. This joker however, they went for a more psychotic mad dog killer which had no rhyme or reason for what he did or why he did it.

    1) There has never been an official backstory from DC or any other franchise about who exactly the joker was. I think it adds to the mystery, almost like he popped out of know where, his real name is even unconfirmed. In a comic he was asked why he keeps changing his story on who he is, he responded "Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another... if I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!"

    2) Referring back to the first answer, its disputed that he doesn't even remember his past. Most likely he changes his story depending on the situation and who he is talking too. His entire operation in The Dark Knight has been psychological warfare, trying to brake the will of the people of Gotham, and prove that even the most civilized can become murderers if pushed hard enough (referring back to Harvey Dent/Two-Face)

    3) He was never interested in money in the first place. In the beginning of the movie, he stole from the banks of the highest kingpins in Gotham to get their attention, so they would pay more attention to what he had to say.

    4) Frankly i'm glad boy wonder isn't in this franchise. In the comics/60's television series, he was mostly there for comic relief. Since this new generation of batman movies is more pointed towards an adult audience, with a more serious tone, i'm guessing Robin won't make an appearance.

  8. the story didnt tell where he live. for the scar stories, it was appropriate for the situation. he burned the money because in that scene he said he wasn't greedy. as far as robin, he is a crappy character. nobody likes him.

  9. The movie never really went to the Joker's dwelling.  

    He was insane and that's all I can really say about his scar stories.

    He burned the money because he didn't care, he committed crimes and murder because he enjoyed it, not because he loved money.

    He already had plenty of money from the first bank job I believe.

    Robin sucks!

  10. 1.- In some h**l hole...

    2.- Either ways:

    * Is lying

    * Does not remember it right

    * He's just crazy and distorts it every time

    3.- He does not care about money, just foiled the big time crime operation they for "fun" and mainly, to attract Batman

    4.- He already did, just burned the leftovers... he's crazy, not stupid

    PS - Out of the movie because he ruined the last two ones before Batman Begins.

  11. As far as the dwelling and stories about his scars, the Joker never really reveals the truth. In my opinion, this is to add to the mystery and chaos that the Joker causes. If you're a comic book fan, I'm sure you've noticed that in the Spiderman movies, there is a back story to the villains that help make them seem more "human". For Batman, and especially the joker, they didn't want him to seem "human: they wanted him to seem scary, insane and mysterious.

    The reason he burnt the money goes back to the story Alfred told Bruce Wayne about the bandit they were chasing down who stole just for the fun of it. remember, "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

    Robin is a later character in the batman series, and seeing as how our batman is still in his prime, robin is not needed as of now. Not to mention the fact that Robin was always potrayed as more of a laugh, where the new batman movies are more dark and sinister.

  12. he lived next door to batman, jk but noone knows where he lives, and he tells 2 stories about his scars to add to the suspence  and the mystery so and he explains y he burned the money while he was doing it, i forgot but i know he did he said it to that russian guy

  13. i think he actually told three stories. idk where he lived....he burned the money to prove a point to the mob that it wasn't all about money, it's about getting a message across. and idk where robin is....haha.

  14. because he's a psychotic, schizophrenic, killing clown!

    he has no order, he does whatever the f*ck he wants.

    and Idk i bet Robin would have been hot.

  15. Joker is psycho.  That is why.  Robin had other stuff to do.

  16. I don't know what you mean by "where did he live", he didn't have a gang hideout or anything.  He told two different stories because there was no real story, the point was the improv stories about the scars.  He explained why he burnt all the money, I believe he said the best thing about what he uses is "gasoline and explosives are cheap"  

    PS :  Depends on the storyline.

  17. first of all joker is a really messed up dude. he tells different scar stories to throw people off, or he doesn't even remember how he got them. he burned the $ to send a message that money isn't important "It's not about money it's about sending a message"

  18. In the movie, he told all different stories about his scar just to do it. None of the stories are true (or so we know)!!!  He also  just burnt the money to show that you should never threaten him. And hopefully Robin will be in another movie!

  19. Nobody knows where he lived. He told two different stories because it added a bit of mystery to him, he was a sociopath and a psychopath. He burned all that money because 'everything burns'. To him, it was all about fear and 'sending a message'.

    Robins not in there....

  20. 1. idk

    2. he was insane

    3. refer to 2

  21. good question about where he lived.

    dont know the answer myself lol

    i think the two different stories were appropriate to the audience, and i think neither or them happened, they were just so scary and he was trying to freak people out.

    as for the money - remember how he robbed the bank? i think he had enough money and was trying to make a statement to scare people


    HE WAS A PSYCOPATH! hahaha

    good movie!

    as for robin - he was with me =P

  22. They don't reveal where the Joker lived in the film.

    He told two different stories to further portray how psychotic he is.

    He burned his half of the mob's money to prove that "It's not about money.  It's about sending a message.  EVERYTHING BURNS!"  The Joker wasn't wreaking havoc on the city of Gotham for any type of personal gain.  He did it to, as Alfred so rightly put it, "watch the world burn." As for him buying lots of cool destructive stuff with the money, he said himself, "I'm a guy of simple taste.  I enjoy dynamite and gunpowder, and gasoline!  And you know what all these things have in common?  They're cheap!"

    As for Robin, he hasn't been included in this movie series yet.  I think Casey Affleck should play him though.

  23. They ddn´t explain all those things cause he is supposed to represent pure and absolute CHAOS.

    Robin is g*y.

    The director  tried to make the ccharacter as an absolute. That´s why he didn´t bother in explaining his past or anything about him

  24. Hmm...that is a good set of questions.

    I'm pretty sure that the Joker lived in like some abandoned warehouse or tenement building or something. He may have even lived in like a run-down apartment in the impoverished area of Gotham City.

    Obviously he told two completely different stories because he is just simply insane. He likes to mess with people's heads and play a lot of mind games and such...all to his sick, twisted amusement.

    He burned all of the money to show the world that he wasn't in it for the money...that he just wanted to strike fear in those around him--that he wasn't just a petty criminal.

    I don't know about the last question. I don't think he will be in the remake series until the next movie, if at all. Remakes are usually pretty good at digressing away from the original plot and changing all the little details or simply leaving them out.

    Hope that answers your questions...

  25. That's the thing about the Joker, you aren't meant to know anything about him.  

  26. No one is really supposed to know much about the Joker, it has been that way in the comics and all the movies.

    Alfred states it in the movie, and I am sure the Joker would agree. Alfred states that people like him just want to "watch the world burn".

    The Joker also says that he wants to show Gotham a true criminal who isn't obsessed with money like Falconi was.

    Robin will probably make his appearance in the next movie, if there is one at least.

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