
In The Friend Zone help me girls or guys!!??

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i like this girl but i think im in the friend zone we alrdy kissed once and never again after that because after that weve been hanging out with other friends and acting like friends around each other i dont talk to her everyday but i give her a ring sometimes and make plans!! how do i get out of the friend zone????




  1. Hang out more often, and take things slow. It's

    obvious that the kiss was a bit weird to her or

    it happened to quickly that's probably why things

    took a turn. Get to know her, and do things that

    she likes with her. If she doesn't feel the same

    way theres always other girls out there!

  2. hang out with her more but take it slow.

    make sure u both have/share something in common.

  3. I doubt if ur in the friend zone budy,maybe u just misinterpretd what she or u offered at that time. since you kissed her that means you are not in the friend zone, but DONOT try to act as just friends after that because well.. u want more.. As you've kissed her, there a chance of u getting with her than you think.. just be cool and talk to her about situation NOT THIS ONE.. but be careful with what you say as TOO funny situation could lead yourself back to the friend zone.. But best of luck  

  4. Stop acting like a friend and act like a boyfriend (without being controlling).  Ask her out for dinner and pick up the tab.  Show the girl a good time.  At the end of the night, kiss her.

    Just make sure you open all doors and be sweet.

    Good Luck!

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