
In Tomorrows Budget if Petrol goes up should there be another?

by  |  earlier

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Blockade at the oil Terminals.




  1. ian b...  is right      there should be a complete stoppage of m p wages...   but as usual us "workers" will just pay up and shut up" .....    were not putting it up by 2p for 6 months........they say...   so that means prices are frozen for 6 months no increaces....?   happy days  thank you mr brown      ...i don t think so...

  2. There should be........................but won't

    But what the h**l nothing's going up in price thanks to Labour

    Well apart from....Food ,Clothes, Petrol , Diesel , Road Tax ,

    M.O.T.'s , Electricity , Gas , Airport taxes , Flights , Rail Fares.

    Mortgages , Bank Charges , CD's , DVD's , etc.etc.etc.

    Though to give them credit there's one thing that never goes up and that's the WAGES to pay for it all....and No it was'nt my fault I never voted for them or anyone else ever !

    Bunch of crooks the lot of them , either s******g the country

    there expenses , there secretaries or each other ; )

    So no blockade I don't think , actually a full scale strike or revolution might not be a bad idea ?

  3. What a waste of time that would be.


  4. There should be a march on Downing Street with burining torches and any weapon you can lay your hands on.

  5. Yeah.  Only this time give the police live ammunition.

  6. we should do something if it goes up again, the prices now are rediculous

  7. please no.

  8. unless we all stand up and be counted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Then we have no right to complain

  9. dont think it is this time

  10. please yes make the price go down the continuing rise in price forced me out of my small business and I had to get a job (but kept on a limited amount of my small business's work) but if the price continues to rise the way it is it will force me out of the market completely

  11. no the last blockade was a waste of time.

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