
In UK to have 600+ MPs all SPONGING is COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS - 150 or so is ENOUGH sponging CORRUPT BAST**DS ?

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In UK to have 600+ MPs all SPONGING is COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS - 150 or so is ENOUGH sponging CORRUPT BAST**DS ?




  1. Nothing more to be said really!

  2. You are right.

    650 in Parliament, why when most of our decisions are made in Brussells by God knows how many more mandarins.

    Local Councils are enough, with perhaps 50 regional MP's.

    Scotland and Wales are doing their own thing.

    We now only need an English Parliament.

    I cannot see a reason for more.

  3. Well, at least they're not sponging as much as the millions of people in this country on benefits because they can't be arsed to get a job in sainsburys or somewhere .It's not exactly difficult.....

  4. ?

  5. that's just the tip of the iceberg,what about the local councils ,dozens of councillors also riding the gravy train and all the high salary's for those doing pathetic previously unheard of jobs like walking adviser 22k a year to advise people how to walk !!!!!!

  6. If we were to reduce the number of MPs from 600+ to 150 they would become even more remote than they already are.  Does anyone know who their MEP is for example?  An MEP represents an enormous constutency and as a result seems a distant and remote person.

    I know who my MP is, he is a Londoner just like me.  He is also a London Taxi Driver by trade.  He works long hours on our behalf and is not in the least self-serving or corrupt.  He is, like me, a Socialist, pure in heart and mind and thinks of the people first.

    His main concern right now is knife crime on the streets of London and how best to tackle this problem.

    Only the Labour Party will find a solution.

    MPs are not sponging or corrupt.  They are from the ranks of the common people and if they are corrupt, then so too are we.

    We all have a choice and in 2010 can vote in a General Election.

    If you want h**l on Earth, vote Tory, because that's exactly what Londoner's have done and now we have a Mayor who speaks with a mouth full of marbles and never says what he means and told lies before he got elected and has no skill when it comes to choosing people to work with him on important issues and projects.

    Bo-Jo is the court jester we all knew him to be.  He is the puppet of Tory Central Office who are now running London by pulling his strings.  He dances to their tune because he hopes to get a Government job if/when [in yer dreams] Cameron becomes PM.  Ha!

  7. I'm still waiting on the Queen to fire all of them.

    Truth is, we can't do anything about it. Whoever you vote for, they're all still going to do their upmost best to hide their expenses.

  8. If I was elected I'd push for change.! But I have no machine behind me.!

  9. Why and how is it justifiable they collect some £9000.00 Anually and hike up further their Allowance by agreeing to serve on several Scrutininy panels . Their take home allowance is then around three to four times the basic. Quite a few of them never attend more than a couple of meetings throughout the Year .The question arises " Do they pay Taxes on all this unearned Income ? or is it Tax Free income claimed as Volunteers expenses. I guess it is the gravy Train and They are feasting

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