
In USA, which is most modern and cleanest city, etc., pls. read more?

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I have desire to visit the USA in the near future. Before going there, I will highly appreciate if anybody can tell me the followings:

1- Which is most modern city in the USA?

2- Which is most cleanest city in the USA?

3- Which is the most crimeless & crimeful city in the USA?

4- City with best goverrance facilities in the USA?

5- City with most literate population in the USA?

6- Most expensive & cheapest city in the USA?

7- City with maximum coffee restaurents in the USA?

8- Most currpt and clean (currptionless) city in the USA?

9- Best city from tourist point of view in the USA?

10-Best loveable & liveable city in the USA?

11-Most foreign tourist friendly and most non foreign tourist friendly city in the USA?

12-The city having the best and worst transportation facilities in the USA?

13- The best business friendly and worst business unfriendly city in the USA?

14-City with costliest hotels and city with cheapest hotels in the USA?

15- Best city with organized tourist facilities & worst city with unorganized tourist facilities in the USA

16- City with highest and lowest cost of living in the USA,

17- City with costliest and cheapest housing facilities in the USA?

18-City having maximum global food restaurents in the USA?

19- City with maximum Indian restaurents/city with maxumum chinese restaurents/city with maxium italian restaurents/city with maximum french restaurents/city with maximum middle east restaurents/city with maximum Japanese/KoreanThai/Vietnam/Asian restaurents

20-City with maximum Maxican restaurents

I am very sorry for asking so many questions at one time. Pls

reply as per ur knowledge/inf/experience/convenience.

Thanks a lot indeed.




  1. Seattle, Washington.

  2. For all your questions there is only one answer that is

    New York City

  3. New York City is very diverse and accepting of different cultures.  No one will care about you no matter how you look unless your really ridiculous.  Its great for tourists and its the highest tech/most modern.  The people are arrogant but they mind their own buisness

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