
In Vetting Biden Did The Obamaites Realize He is One Brain Aneurysm away From Being an Ex VP?

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Biden has a history of brain aneurysms. The silent sudden killer.




  1. Questions like this, not only highlight the desperation of the GOP, but it underscores the fear they have of addressing real issues...

  2. Brain aneurysm, heart attack, stroke, MS, debilitating terminal cancer , septicemia, car accident, etc.  There are a lot of medical conditions and outside forces that can befall a human being.  We just never know who or when it will strike.  Why worry over things you can't control?

  3. In vetting to ask this question did the dopomites have the audacity to vote you g*y president of dopes USA?

    I heard about that disgusting comment about you and your midget boyfriend....dude...

    ....that was a low blow!

    1st & 2nd graders...dopes...

    ...get it?

    ...midget? g*y?

    ...low blow?

    ...never mind...

  4. Thats what Obama is hoping for, then he can put his wife in as the VP.

    Jerome - I think the constant attack by my fellow Democrats more accurately underscores the fear you are seeing.

  5. Actually, aneurysms are only silent because most people don't have brain scans to know they have them.  Biden would know if or if not there are any other weaknesses in a blood vessel in the brain.

    VPs are easy spots to fill.

    Just ask Palin.

  6. Many people live a long time with brain aneurysms......the over-riding factor was that Biden balances McCain's long career in the Senate, and was thought to give old grayhaired guys a reson to vote for the Democratic ticket.

    The selection of Governor Palin blows them out of the water!

  7. Good question.

    My guess would be yes.

  8. Amazing to see the ignorance of these answerers.  If Joe Biden, who has twice the normal chances of having a fatal aneurysm, should fall off the perch, then Nancy Pelosi would become Vice President.  

    See if that little factoid doesn't mobilize the Republicans.

  9. You know I am one of your fans Audacity of dopes, but I gotta send you to your room on this one, you naughty, naughty boy.

  10. They overlooked the millions of dollars he is getting under the table from the owners of The Hair Club For Men.  They have funelled millions to him over the years in hopes they would get one of their clitents elected President.

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