
In Volleyball does anyone no the steps you have to take to spike the ball?

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In Volleyball does anyone no the steps you have to take to spike the ball?




  1. 1.     Wait near the 10 foot line, watching the setter

    2.     Keeping your weight forward, anticipate and plan your approach

    3.     Wait until the ball's trajectory is at its peak and then begin your approach

    4.     Start your approach using a couple of steps with the last two steps being a right and close left, or step to jump

    5.     Swing your arms back and together to at least waste level and bend your back and knees

    6.     Explode into the jump, jumping as high as you can and swinging both arms straight up in front of you

    7.     Point at the ball with your non-hitting arm and bring your hitting hand to your ear

    8.     With your fully extended arm contact the center back of the ball in front of your hitting shoulder with heel of open hand

    9.     Snap your wrist and hit through the ball

    10.     Bring your hitting arm down across your body and land on both feet, cushioning your landing by bending your knees


    1.     You can gain even more speed and power on your hit by crunching your stomach muscles and bending at the waste when hitting

    2.     Big arm swings mean bigger jumps

    3.     Contacting the ball in front of your shoulder allows for more visibility of the court and more ball control

  2. If you're right handed, put your left foot forward then left, then you put them together, then you jump to spike the ball. If you're left handed, you do the opposite

  3. You take the 1st step with the hand you don't write with then 2nd the opposite the hand you write with then you  your hands into a  X then spike!

  4. if you are right handed then you take a big step with ur left foot then two small will be left, right, left. then u bend ur knees and jump. it is opposite footing if ur left handed.

  5. If you are right-handed you take one big step with your left foot, a small, quick step with your right and another small quick one with your left, then plant your feet and jump. Make sure you don't reach behind your shoulder (it damages it) and follow through with your swing! (past your hips) If you are left handed, it's a big step with your right, a small quickie with your left, and a small quickie with the right again.

    Hope I helped!!!


    You can email me if you have any other questions   :)

  6. Left .. right .. together .. Jump+Hit . ?


    They're easy and simple ! =]

  7. i have been playing for 7 years... there are 2 approaches... a 3-step or a 4-step.. most ppl use a 3-step... its like the one girl said...if you are right handed go left...right, left...start standing on your right foot...take one long step with your left, then then move your right and as you come down after your left and right you should be with your shoulder turned to the net... like perpendicular...and crouched down...then after you touch with your left...explode up.. turn your shoulders back facing the net... keep your elbow up... snap your wrist at the top and swing all the way through with your hand ending at your waist...

    left.... right, left......turn shoulders back... elbow up... snap high ... swing all the way through...

    hope i helped :)

  8. First you have to have someone set the ball for you. Let the ball go in front of you while it is still in the air, than use the palm of your hand to spike down.

  9. Start away and outside from the 10-foot line, then take a big step with your right foot then a big step with you left, two small steps, bend your kness, jump up and swing your arms. If your left handed then starting with your left foot might feel more comfortable. It's hard to get the hang of when your doing it in a game or practice, but just keep practicing and it'll becomes second-nature to you.

  10. If you are left handed step on the spider with your right foot jump over the river/snake and jump on the trapoline. (the coach treated us like we were two)

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