
In Windows Movie Maker how do I get the video clip to be muted while the audio clip plays??

by  |  earlier

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Please help me with this! I'm having trouble just getting the music to play during a video. I tried muting the video clip, but the music clip also doesnt come out =/




  1. 1)right click on tha video clip.

    2)you can either just click tha mute button,or

    click volume or whatever && then you can adjust it.

    3)make sure you didnt mute tha audio clip.

    :) good luckyyyyyyy.

  2. right click on the video clip and say mute and drag on audio to the audio section. You should probably work in time line mode if that's the problem.

  3. Clip-->Audio-->Mute

  4. 1. Select the clip you want

    2. Go up to the bar on the top of the screen (File, Edit, etc.)

    3. Click "Clip" and choose "Audio"

    4. Click "Mute"

    5. Yay!

  5. Fade the sound in and out by selecting Audio on the Clip menu - there is a choice of Mute, Fade In, Fade Out and Volume.

  6. lower the volume of the video. Bring the blue line to the starting point of the muting then find the end and do the same. Then right click on the video and find the volume and put it to the lowest then you can do it.  

  7. Left click the video clip while its on the timeline, and there will be a list of options, mute is one of them. Just click on it =]

    good luck xD

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