
In World of Warcraft, why is that classes are so disproportionate in PVP?

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Ok, I play a frost Mage and I have recently been doing BG's (battle group/ battle ground) and something seems not right to me. As a level 60 Mage, I should be able to take on a level 52-55 with no problem regardless of their class, right? Wrong. All to often I am killed within four hits. The first hit is always "stun" followed by either a melee or a life tap spell of one kind or another followed by a couple finishing blows. I drop faster then I can cast a single spell and no shield I use holds long enough to cast anything. Not that I am able to cast anything while stunned anyway.

Which leads me to wonder why other classes are able to kill a target without that target having any means to defend themselves at least somewhat. it is an unfair game while playing in PCP mode cause someone always has an unfair advantage. Some people say, "you're just not properly equipped" Equipped how? All my armor is level current and compliments either my frost spells or my intellect need. Some say "you're just a noob or not a good player". Excuse me? How can I reach level 60 and still be a "noob" after playing for months or be a bad player when I reached that level in short order. Perhaps its not how good I play or how long I have played. Perhaps it is a flaw in the game which exposes an unfair balance regarding PVP battles. Am I wrong? And, if so, please do tell how and be more specific then "you're wrong". That is, if you actually can.




  1. WoW is the most balance RPG game I ever played so you must be doing something wrong. Also have you ever heard of a twink, lots of ppl make characters that they cap at certain lvls and get them the best gear that they can get at that lvl. IF you are running around with gear that isn't enchanted or is green and stuff you are going to get pwned by ppl who are using epics and blues with full enchantments....The best thing you can do right now is to enchant your gear or buy some better gear. Or just lvl up to 70 and just go raid.

    Gear has a lot to do with how well you do in the game, the balance to me would be 70 percent gear and 30 percent skill.

    Few tips while playing a mage:

    - keep your distance, this is a must while playing this class and they give you lots of moves to do so. If you are getting ganked by a rogue and are stunned blink away, this will get you out of the stun and put some distance between you and him.

    - If multiple enemies are on you, use frost nova. This will freeze them all in one place and let you get some distance.

    - Keep your bubbles up, these absorb damage so you won't die as fast. And I believe you can stack your ice bubble and mana bubble(been while since I last played....).

    - Stay away from the fight, if you see a group of ppl fighting stay away from it and just launch ice/fire bolts from a far. This will make you less of a target and if you are in danger run to other ppl for help.

  2. Mmmmmmm...this is a very...vague and situational question. The easy answer would be: "The only PvP that counts is at level 70" (since that is true, real PvP happens at 70 since before that, not all classes have their skills yet).

    However, I will try my best to answer your questions. You say that you're killed within 4 hits, usually with started with a stun. The only class that can "first hit" with a stun is a warrior, rogue, or a feral druid. All melee classes. Against melee, you REALLY have to keep your distance, especially at that level since mages don't have high health pools, at all. (Though, at that level a rogue can easily stun lock you as well, so you're kinda SoL >>).

    Gear, I think, plays a possible issue (or not?). You say you're only 60, so that means you haven't gotten too far into Outland yet and therefore still have Azeroth gear. The people you're fighting probably have Azeroth gear as well, so gear is a bit irrelevant.

    The, "you're just a newb or not a good player" argument can work as well. Just because you're level 60 does not mean you are not a newb. It's a joke to level in WoW and takes no skill at all. (No offense intended, just saying as it is). Also, months is a pretty long time to get to level 60, but that's not related to this discussion.

    And at your last question, yes you are wrong since PvP really starts at 70 and in full arena gear. At level 70, ice mages are absolutely amazing for PvP. They can do INSANE amounts of burst damage in seconds as well as kite rogues and warriors like there's no tomorrow.

    My advice, just focus on leveling up and save the PvP for level 70, since that's when you're going to have all your talent points and be at full capacity to utilize your full potential.

    Best of luck

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