Ok, I play a frost Mage and I have recently been doing BG's (battle group/ battle ground) and something seems not right to me. As a level 60 Mage, I should be able to take on a level 52-55 with no problem regardless of their class, right? Wrong. All to often I am killed within four hits. The first hit is always "stun" followed by either a melee or a life tap spell of one kind or another followed by a couple finishing blows. I drop faster then I can cast a single spell and no shield I use holds long enough to cast anything. Not that I am able to cast anything while stunned anyway.
Which leads me to wonder why other classes are able to kill a target without that target having any means to defend themselves at least somewhat. it is an unfair game while playing in PCP mode cause someone always has an unfair advantage. Some people say, "you're just not properly equipped" Equipped how? All my armor is level current and compliments either my frost spells or my intellect need. Some say "you're just a noob or not a good player". Excuse me? How can I reach level 60 and still be a "noob" after playing for months or be a bad player when I reached that level in short order. Perhaps its not how good I play or how long I have played. Perhaps it is a flaw in the game which exposes an unfair balance regarding PVP battles. Am I wrong? And, if so, please do tell how and be more specific then "you're wrong". That is, if you actually can.