
In YAHOO ANSWERS !! What is the interesting part of answer so many questions and get points?

by  |  earlier

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Im sorry but for me is lose the time doing this, why is the final point of this ??? maybe im missing the funny part?? some advise???




  1. I don't even care about the points. I just like asking and answering questions and seeing other questions that are interesting or funny. The points are just a way of keeping the legitimate answerers in and also as an incentive to contribute.

  2. First, you might be able to help someone with a problem. Second, you might come up with a significant piece of research, knowledge or help that makes a difference.

    Third, you put in your considered opinion on a subject based on your personal experience.

    Fourth, you can air your problems, differences and insights.

    The whole idea is that you are not alone and others are there to be of service.

  3. There is always a person who has the answer for something you don't know. It's cool to share, but to share knowledge is priceless.

  4. What is the question again?! x

    P.S Can't believe you were offended by my answer!  Offended enough to respond!  I didn't understand your question: sorry.

  5. To help others and along the way maybe pick up some useful knowledge.

  6. I don't see the point but once you get your first best answer then your hooked!! xx

  7. It could help you with your poor command of English!

  8. varishas get hooked once you get good questions or answers.....the points are just there for attraction so yahoo has stuff to commercialise......rather than jus the mails.

  9. Your questions is pointless - oops Igot 2 pts for answereing this!

  10. different people get different things out of yahoo answers.

    you have to do it for yourself and not for reasons why others do.if you like it here carry on, if you dont then do something you do enjoy.

  11. I haven't the slightest clue why i sit here and answer these questions..  I get caught up in learning NEW THINGS, helping others with a problem, and laughing at a joke  and meeting others that may be in the same position I am in -healthwise and knowing that I am not the only person that wants to know an answer to that " SO CALLED DUMB QUESTION!"

    i am sure you know the saying, the only dumb question is the one not asked--

    Well you can ask that question here and people will answer!

    I can tell you that it hasnt all been for "nothing". I am thankful for a few items that i have received from Yahoo Answers  besides points.. they just encourage me to reach a goal

    Early Last Year,  I received a  Canvas bag, A bumper Sticker, a light bulb and with the Best Answer Sweeps for Top Contributor I got a FREE ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE MAGAZINE -'WIRED"  

    I would not have known a thing if it wasn't for YAHOO ANSWERS. I will enjoy my subscription all year long till December!

    So for me, i really have no idea all i know is i cannot stay away!   HAVE FUN!

  12. If you want to know something ask a question.  If you know the answer to a question, or have an opinion on it put in your answer.

    Otherwise just read and enjoy!  The world and his wife are here.

  13. You learn so much and you come so brainy and clever you might be so brainy you might be the best in your class

  14. I believe in helping others. I do the math postion. When someone post a question in math and I have a answer to that question that help others to get a better understanding. The point is helping others.

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