
In YAhoo Groups...?

by  |  earlier

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If you get banned from a group in Yahoo Groups, will you be sent an e-mail telling you that you were banned. Same goes for being removed from a group.




  1. I do not believe you get a notice that you were banned. I think you may if you're unsubbed but even if one does not, they can figure it out easy enough and if they attempt to join again, the page will tell them they are banned.

    there is no area for a owner to give a reaon for why they banned amember within the group

  2. Yes, of course, to inform you that you cannot participate anymore to that group's activities. I just dont know if they also tell you the reason for your ban.^^,

  3. Yes the owner can create a message which is sent to anyone banned or who leaves the group voluntarily.  If you are the owner, click on files and then create  text file and follow the prompts.

  4. you would think that they would be notified but i don't know. i have reported filthy language and such. i recently got chosen by a member for best answer and then in comments they left me a very filthy message. i received nothing telling me that action was taken again est this person from yahoo. stinks doesn't it. sometimes i think the best thing to do is ignore the remarks and  because this is how some jerks get their kicks.
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