
In YOUR HONEST opinion,what percentage of self proclaimed christians?

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for some reason i have always assumed that christians were to behave a certain way

how can you believe one way and behave another?




  1. fiorst question:

    about 1 percent

    the other 99% are insane

    thats why i left the church

    second question:

    yes if he believes Christ died for him to be saved.

    however, it is high time that the christian churches

    learned the difference between judging and educating.

    third question:

    should they meet certain standards?


    should they stop being assrabits?


  2. well, i had heard that about 75% of the US claims that they are a Christian... but only 30% of that 75% said that they believe Jesus is the only way to heaven and that there is a h**l... so that means only 30% of people in the US that claim they are Christian actually believe 2 of the core concepts of Christianity... now of course in places like the middle east and India where calling yourself a Christian practically puts a bulls-eye on your head the number of people who call themselves Christian vs those who are really christian are closer to 100%.... but generally its mostly like the US all over the world...

  3. ned flanders is the only true christian

    it's impossible to follow every rule, especially considering the contradictions

  4. Matthew 7:13-14

    13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and MANY enter through it.

    14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a FEW find it.

    So my answer is very few: 20%; but no one knows on this earth.

  5.     Over 30 years ago I read the Bible and

    made a decision to follow Jesus with all my heart.

    I couldn't think of anything better to do with my life.

    It has turned out to be a rough and narrow road,

    and I have failed many times.

         I am sorry that you are disappointed and

    disillusioned by what you have seen people doing wrong.

    You have a right and a responsibility to question all

    these things and think for yourself.

         In the bible Jesus met many people who failed

    miserably and did not live the way they should. If they were

    honestly sorry about it He always treated them with

    kindness and compassion and forgave them. Maybe you could also find it in your heart to forgive those who you see making mistakes.  


  6. I've only met 1.

  7. Honest opinion...probably about 10%.  

    Thing is I don't think you can assess that by looking identifying a list of sins that are and are not "too terrible".  For example, a Christian father that abandoned his children may also be doing any number of other things that Jesus commanded while a man that doesn't abandon his children may be doing many other "unChristian" things such as cheating on his spouse or his taxes, emotionally abusing those children and teaching them to lie and steal.  

    I agree 100% that people should meet certain criteria before they run around proclaiming themselves a Christian...but I don't think that one of those criteria is that they haven't committed a particular terrible sin.  Instead, I think it depends a LOT more on how they handle their sins.  A murderer that confesses his guilt and cooperates fully with the police to bring some closure to the family and then gives all the money he earns in prison to his family or a victim's assistance fund is a FAR better Christian than a man that abandons his children and doesn't think he didn't anything wrong! It isn't the sin itself, it is how they respond to it that is a mark of a "true" Christian.  

  8. I guess what you are saying is you should be the authority on who can call themselves Christian.  Ok with me, but regardless I will continue to call myself one.  Supercilious twit.

  9. Honestly, I don't know exactly but  I would say FEW,  fewer than 25%.  First of I said 25% because only 25 % of all who hear the word come to Christ . ( Parable of the soils in  Matthew 13 or Mark 4) Now I also have these scriptures to support that the number is FEW

    Matthew 7:14  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

    Matthew  7:21-23 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    And lastly this. It is not enough to be called , nor is it enough to be chosen, we must also be faithful.  

    Revelation 17:14  These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

  10. Even I, a born again christian, would have to say that most people who claim christianity know nothing of a personal relationship with Jesus.  Very sad but true.  My guess would be perhaps 20% are truly saved and the rest not.  But the great thing is that God knows for sure.  So it's you and God that know the truth and no one else can ever say for sure.  

  11. Most so-called Christians are fakes.

  12. gotta go with hobart on this one

    mostly fake and hypocrites

  13. i'm not going to try an put a number on something like that, i live in australia and here religion isn't really a big deal, i don't think i know enough christians to get a good sample size were i going to guess, and if i do, i don't know that they're christian.

    however i have known some christians who were some of the best people i could imagine, a family in particular which is everything which could be good about any religion. however i think that they are just very good people, who have taken all of what is good in their religion and used that to enrich their life. even though i'm non-religious they always accepted me and never made me feel judged or unwelcome.

    i also know some christians who are truly horrible, judgmental people who enjoy telling others that they will 'laughing while you burn in h**l'. i just think that they are petty small minded people, who happen to be using religion as an excuse.

    in the end both these groups of people believe in the christian religion, and therefore they are christians, whether or not they are good christanins is another question. but no matter how a person acts, they have the right to define their own belief system for themselves, if they believe, they believe. i'm not going to stand judgement on them and say you're not good enough to hold that belief, just like they have no right to tell me i shouldn't not believe in god or religion.  

  14. I would say it is probably 60- 50%.   Actually probably 100% because all have fallen short of the Glory of God.  

  15. I think a lot of what you're saying has legs, and it's mainly do to this new age "Christianity idea that you can do anything, say anything, think anytrhing, etc as long as it makes you feel good.

    Meanwhile, the real Christians, the ones who are truly saved, are to show tangible signs in their lives over time. We are to "produce fruit"... Paul says at one point "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid!"

    Many of todays "converts" aren't such at all, but are instead led to believe that God wants them no matter what. They can act, feel, and do as they please, because God doesn't care. It's this kind of pseudo-Christianity that produces "believers" (Not truly saved) such as you seem to be referring to.....Hope I helped.

  16. Like the 1st one, most are fakes, and to say a self-proclaimed Christian doesn't mean a whole lot.  Now if you were to say:  How many true followers of Christ are there?  I would honestly say about then than 1%.  No joke.

    As for the second one, he isn't one of them.

  17. Most theists, not just xians, are talking the talk cos it's convenient for lotsa reasons.

    They might be scardy cats who are afraid of the dark.

    They might be scardy cats who are afraid of death.

    They might be scardy cats who are afraid of losing their job if they don't suck up to the boss.

    They might be scardy cats who are far too afraid of rocking the boat.

    They might be scardy cats who are far too afraid of facing reality 'alone'.

    They might be scardy cats who are far too afraid of just admitting to all and sundry that the whole idea of invisible sky swooping magic men is just TOO far fetched.

    It takes courage to be an atheist.


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