
In Yahoo Groups, how do you look at picture attachments on messages?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever there is a picture attached to a message, there is a box that says "Attachment (not stored)" and then it has the file name.jpg and then "Type: image/pjpeg"

How do I view these images?




  1. In order to view the image, you have to subscribe to "individual emails" on the "edit membership" page.  You still won't be able to see the attachments on line, but you will be sent the attachments and/or images in the post via email straight to your inbox.  I don't know why they still have a box or boxes with that message inside, they should just have a line that says something like "Images cannot be viewed online.  Please subscribe to individual emails to have the image sent to your inbox."  Or something to let us know that we will never be able to see images online and can only see them in our inbox.  

    I do need to add that I've seen images online and am not sure how that's done.  However it's done, people should do that more often!

  2. Yahoo does not store many attachments, as it states. in order to view these, you have to be set to individual mail, or ask the person to add your e-mail address when sending to the group.

  3. Yahoo Groups does NOT store any attachments of any kind in it's messages part of the group.

    In order to get the attachment if someone sent it to the group via email, you have to allow yourself to receive emails from said group.

    otherwise, the person can upload the attachment, or upload the pic to the photo albums part and then link it in the message for all to see.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!

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