
In Yugioh, which of these 3 would come first...??? Only post the OFFICIAL RULES PLZ...?

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Ok, lets say that a monster has an effect on it that says... Negate the effect of all spell trap and monsters that target this card... But, lets say that there is a monster, spell, or trap card that says something like... Negate the effect of an effect monster, and send it to the graveyard... or something like that??? which one would be able to use its effect... since both have to do with negating effects???....

Also, if someone has a god card that has negate all spell effects and such.... can someone attack with it if the other person has Swords of Revealing light up???




  1. It all comes down to the CHAIN

    Chains, Activation, and Resolution   July 1 2008

    A chain is what happens when several card effects are trying to happen at the same time. By building a chain, you can more easily determine how the effects resolve. The basic information on chains and Spell Speeds is found on pages 35-37 of the Official Rulebook version 6.0.

    "Activation" is when you declare an intent to use a card: flipping a Trap Card face up, announcing that you are using a monster's effect, flipping a face-down Spell Card, and playing a Spell Card from your hand are all examples of activation.

    "Resolution" is when you carry out the effects of a card.

    When you chain multiple Spell/Trap Cards together, their activation (intent to use the card) is declared, one after the other. But no cards have resolution until nobody wishes to chain (activate) more Spell/Trap Cards.

    A simple 2-card chain works like this:

    Step 1 is activated (Spell Card played, Trap Card flipped face-up, etc.).

    Step 2 is chained to Step 1 (activated).

    (neither player wishes to chain additional cards)

    (resolve in reverse order)

    Step 2 Resolves.

    Step 1 Resolves.

    In a 3-card chain:

    Step 1 is activated.

    Step 2 is activated.

    Step 3 is activated.

    (neither player wishes to chain additional cards)

    (resolve in reverse order)

    Step 3 resolves.

    Step 2 resolves.

    Step 1 resolves.

    Note on terminology: Some Continuous Trap Cards have effects that can be re-used, such as "Ultimate Offering", "Skull Lair", etc. To "activate" these Trap Cards is to flip the Trap Card from face-down to face-up, just like with any other Trap Card. Once the card is activated, you may "use" the card, or "use its effect", or "activate the effect." These are all synonymous terms but are different from activation of the card (which still means flipping the Trap Card face-up). The "use" of a Continuous Trap Card's effect (which has a Spell Speed of 2) can be chained and can be chained to. See the entry "Continuous Trap Card with Ignition-Like Effects" for additional information.  

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