
In ZOMBIE films? Why do zombies always end up squashing their faces against windows?

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Is this some sort of Moth flame thing?




  1. because normally the beautiful woman and brave man get into a area with windows and the zombies follow


  2. Live humans look like cakes in the bakers shop window to zombies, so they get all excited by human-cakes and squash their faces to see the  lunch.

  3. Their spatial relationships skills are rotten.

  4. Because when they died the first time they lost thier brains and that makes them stupid.

  5. yer there stupid

    but one thing i dont understand about zombies is that

    even though they are really slow they still manage to catch up to the people who are running and eventually kill them

    if they were so slow and thick wouldnt you be able to get away?

  6. they're stupid

    they're deceased

    they have no brains

    they are dead.


    they are the living* dead.


  7. They don't in Shaun of the Dead, unless you count Bill Nighty in the Jag. lol

  8. Hi lol I noticed this too, I wonder if zombies were really if they would really do that lol

  9. lol..maybe its cos their brain is all rotted and mouldy..@

  10. I love Zombies movies. Personnally I'd much prefer to be up against the 'window face squashing zombies' to the 'Olympic sprinter zombies' ala 28 Days/Weeks Later.

    To answer your question, it's always about the  BRAAAINNSS!!

  11. Squashing the human face up against a window just makes it look more hideous than it normally is - a scary death mask appearance of squashed flesh, glaring eyes, a mouth wide open as in a silent screem.

    This next vid-clip explains about Zombie - sort of. . . .

  12. there is a pastime in Scotland where the alive humans do this thing too, its  performed by a society here called the ' windae lickers'

  13. lol! I dunno I'll ask my kids they all look like zombies!!!

  14. i dont know.they do in I Am Legend during one of Nevilles flashbacks.

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